

I like juggling balls :D

edvardnaarstad has been juggling for 5 years and 8 months.

Combined flashed: 21
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Country: Norway
Joined: 2020-12-26

edvardnaarstad's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 49
 - 72
 - 53

edvardnaarstad's solo records stats

edvardnaarstad's Badges (93)

View edvardnaarstad's badge progress

edvardnaarstad's Videos

edvardnaarstad's Groups

edvardnaarstad's is a member of the public groups: Ball Numbers, Siteswap Surpreme.

edvardnaarstad's Passing Teams

edvardnaarstad is a member of the passing team: edvardnaarstad, Eivind Dragsjo.
edvardnaarstad's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand async fountain12/10511m 54s2021-03-232
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws12/16138c2021-01-031
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads5/11119c2021-05-257
2 ball 1 hand async fountain with clawed catches 1/15510c2021-01-031
2 ball 1 hand columns17/24274c2021-01-031
2 ball 1 hand columns with clawed catches4/10281c2021-03-053
2 ball 5016/225m 25s2021-03-221
2 club 1 hand async fountain in singles15/2360c2021-01-151
2 ring 1 hand async fountain31/4750c2021-06-121
3 ball (2,4x)(2x,4x)* 2/96m 34s2022-10-043
3 ball (4,2) 2/811m 54s2021-03-231
3 ball (4,4)(4,0) 1/2015m 35s2022-09-083
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)(4,4)(0,4x) 1/121722c2021-01-032
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)* 3/141722c2021-01-031
3 ball (4x,2x) shower 2/93m 55s2022-09-281
3 ball (6,2)(2x,2x) 1/5418c2021-04-152
3 ball (6,6)(2x,0)(0,4)*2/2125c2021-01-011
3 ball (6x,2)(2x,2x)* 2/111m 50s2022-08-203
3 ball (6x,2x)(2x,2x) 1/52m 20s (756c)2022-08-202
3 ball (6x,2x)(2x,2x)(4x,2x) 2/31m 30s2022-08-201
3 ball (6x,4)(2,0)* 3/6344c2022-09-103
3 ball 1 hand 80406/2194c2024-06-126
3 ball 1 hand 804060 2/318c2022-11-113
3 ball 1 hand a04040 3/47c2022-06-091
3 ball 1 hand async fountain10/76200c2022-02-098
3 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws4/413c2022-10-191
3 ball 1 hand async fountain with clawed catches 1/525c2021-04-251
3 ball 1 hand cascade9/1136c2022-02-094
3 ball 1 hand columns8/1341c2022-10-204
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade8/1113c2022-10-192
3 ball 3 half shower15/1178m 25s2021-01-143
3 ball 3 in outside throws with clawed catches 1/82m 22s2022-09-281
3 ball 24 2/1011m 54s2021-03-232
3 ball 42310/7811m 15s2021-03-164
3 ball 423 blind6/76c2021-04-122
3 ball 423 in outside throws with clawed catches 2/7294c2021-07-012
3 ball 423 in overheads7/960c2021-05-112
3 ball 423 with arms crossed4/61m 35s2022-09-152
3 ball 423 with clawed catches7/13304c2021-07-012
3 ball 44115/894m 35s2022-09-023
3 ball 441 blind8/117c2021-04-122
3 ball 441 in outside throws 3/116m 2s2022-09-104
3 ball 441 in overheads7/99c2021-05-051
3 ball 441 on a slackline 1/236c2024-06-291
3 ball 52218/23100c2021-01-011
3 ball 522 mills mess variation6/666c2021-02-261
3 ball 53131/67225c2021-05-193
3 ball 531 in overheads10/1212c2021-05-051
3 ball 451212/14135c2021-01-021
3 ball 441337/9150c2021-03-091
3 ball 445026/102m 45s2022-08-202
3 ball 505059/281m 43s2022-09-042
3 ball 5251212/271038c2021-01-143
3 ball 5550011/292m 10s2021-04-192
3 ball 707018/818c2021-04-281
3 ball 73131 3/4210c2022-09-164
3 ball 905016/715c2022-09-162
3 ball 9313131 1/3155c2022-09-111
3 ball 441555007/8126c2021-01-021
3 ball b313131312/268c2022-09-163
3 ball box7/703m 53s2022-08-203
3 ball box blind13/146c2021-04-121
3 ball cascade70/17714m 10s2021-01-142
3 ball cascade blind37/5762c2021-04-127
3 ball cascade blind on a rola bola5/610c2021-01-091
3 ball cascade in overheads21/43130c2021-05-114
3 ball cascade in overheads with a ball balanced on the head 3/422c2021-02-112
3 ball cascade laying down9/16212c2022-09-046
3 ball cascade on a rola bola5/128m2021-01-193
3 ball cascade on a slackline 2/570c2024-06-291
3 ball cascade pinball9/106c2021-01-091
3 ball cascade with a ball balanced on the head 1/814m 10s2021-01-141
3 ball cascade with arms crossed14/1656c2021-01-091
3 ball cascade with clawed catches18/28178c2021-01-052
3 ball cascade with forked catches6/88c2022-09-101
3 ball columns25/39150c2020-12-261
3 ball continuous under the leg throws7/84c2021-10-241
3 ball d131313131 shower2/220c2021-04-231
3 ball high low shower8/281m 37s (550c)2021-05-185
3 ball mills mess29/1214m2023-08-104
3 ball reverse cascade6/11822m 50s2022-09-044
3 ball reverse cascade in overheads6/76c2021-02-111
3 ball reverse cascade with arms crossed17/1860c2021-01-091
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches 1/125m 58s2022-10-033
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches isolated 1/85m 58s2022-10-032
3 ball shower15/1144m 52s2021-01-164
3 ball shower blind14/2019c2022-09-262
3 ball shower isolated6/83m 38s2021-02-241
3 ball tennis 3/3928m 35s2022-10-184
3 ball tennis variation: 3 as a backcross, 3 as a normal and 3 as a normal9/1038c2022-11-222
3 ball windmill6/244m 17s2022-09-283
3 ball [44]040 2/73m 48s (600c)2021-05-221
3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples17/223c2020-12-011
3 club cascade in doubles36/71118c2023-07-012
3 club cascade in reverse singles13/1832c2021-01-173
3 club cascade in singles75/1293m 20s2022-09-072
3 club cascade in triples26/4139c2023-07-101
3 club cascade on a rola bola9/1091c2021-01-161
3 club mills mess in singles30/338c2022-04-301
3 club shower25/3024c2023-07-102
3 ring 1 hand async fountain17/2412c2023-06-301
3 ring 3 half shower20/43126c2023-06-291
3 ring cascade67/89100c2021-06-121
3 ring mills mess8/17159c2023-07-011
3 ring reverse cascade25/45128c2023-06-291
4 ball (4,4)(4,4)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4,4)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4x,4x)(4,4)(4x,4x)(4x,4x)(4x,4x) 1/63m 19s2022-09-043
4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x) 3/192m 35s2021-05-183
4 ball (4,6)(4,2)(4,4)5/5114c2021-12-081
4 ball (4,6)(4,2)(4,4)(6,4)(2,4)(4,4)3/3109c2021-12-081
4 ball (4x,6)(6,4x)(0,4)6/715c2021-03-251
4 ball (6,2x)(6,2x)*7/14186c2022-10-057
4 ball (6,4)(2,4)5/7150c2023-09-232
4 ball (6,4)(2,4)*4/6126c2021-12-081
4 ball (6,4)(4x,2x)5/6102c2021-03-081
4 ball (6,4x)(2x,4)5/7128c2022-06-264
4 ball (6,4x)(2x,4)(4x,6)(4,2x)5/56c2021-05-051
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)4/460c2021-05-053
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)(4,4)3/3104c2021-03-242
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)(4,4)(6x,4)(2,4x)(4,4)1/1110c2021-03-251
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)(4,6x)(4x,2)1/130c2021-03-251
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)(6x,4)(2,4x)3/329c2021-03-251
4 ball (6,4x)(4x,2)* 2/3103c2023-09-232
4 ball (6,4x)(6,2)(4x,2)(4,4)1/160c2021-03-261
4 ball (6,6)(2,2)5/8100c2020-12-311
4 ball (6,6)(2,2)(4,4)6/7104c2020-12-311
4 ball (6,6)(2x,2x)5/11183c2023-09-236
4 ball (6,6)(2x,2x)(8,8)(2x,2x)(2x,2x) 1/3269c2022-09-065
4 ball (6,6)(2x,2x)(8,8)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(a,a)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x) 1/272c2021-03-212
4 ball (6,6)(2x,2x)(8,8)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(a,a)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(c,c)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)1/154c2021-03-191
4 ball (6,6)(6,6)(0,0)9/11103c2021-02-022
4 ball (6,6)(6,6)(0,0)12/17103c2021-02-023
4 ball (6x,0)(6x,0)(6x,6x)* 3/4103c2021-03-054
4 ball (6x,2)(6x,2)(6x,2x)* 2/41m 51s2022-10-053
4 ball (6x,2x) half shower7/15104c2022-01-203
4 ball (6x,4)(2,4x)8/14101c2021-03-233
4 ball (6x,4)(2,4x)(4,4)1/1105c2021-03-231
4 ball (6x,4)(2,4x)*11/1212c2021-03-161
4 ball (6x,4)(2,6)(2,4x)1/128c2021-03-242
4 ball (6x,4)(2,6)(2,4x)(4,4)4/448c2021-05-053
4 ball (6x,4)(4,2x)7/10104c2021-03-152
4 ball (6x,4)(4,6x)(0,4)5/650c2021-05-051
4 ball (6x,4)(4,6x)(0,4)(4x,4x)4/425c2021-05-051
4 ball (6x,6x)(2x,2x)4/6124c2021-02-063
4 ball (6x,6x)(2x,2x)(8x,8x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)2/2104c2022-06-293
4 ball (6x,6x)(2x,2x)(8x,8x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(ax,ax)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)1/172c2022-06-291
4 ball (6x,6x)(6x,6x)(0,0)5/6101c2021-03-034
4 ball (8,8)(2x,2x)(2x,2x) 2/4105c2021-03-197
4 ball (8x,8x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x) 1/284c2022-06-292
4 ball (a,a)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)1/156c2021-03-213
4 ball (g,g)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)1/114c2021-03-181
4 ball 1 hand a0606/75c2022-11-161
4 ball 1 hand async fountain14/6337c2023-08-2313
4 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads2/24c2020-11-011
4 ball 1 hand [44]0 2/9168c2022-11-098
4 ball 33[33] 2/1623m 51s2022-10-032
4 ball 33[33] in outside throws 1/86m 58s2022-10-022
4 ball 5311/24139c2020-12-311
4 ball 53 half shower30/42109c2020-12-271
4 ball 62 2/4200c2022-02-099
4 ball 53421/76420c2023-10-0410
4 ball 534 on a slackline 1/242c2024-06-291
4 ball 5529/543m 46s2021-05-234
4 ball 561 3/212m 17s2022-10-049
4 ball 63330/59101c2022-09-017
4 ball 633 on a slackline 1/212c2024-06-291
4 ball 64213/32162c2022-06-252
4 ball 66014/22100c2021-02-042
4 ball 72318/206c2021-03-091
4 ball 74116/28116c2022-11-101
4 ball 7508/812c2021-03-091
4 ball 83110/1315c2021-04-252
4 ball 1555 3/196m 7s2022-10-034
4 ball 46424/7120c2021-02-021
4 ball 53446/141m 3s2022-10-032
4 ball 55246/10140c2021-03-221
4 ball 55514/556m 7s2022-10-035
4 ball 56418/86c2021-03-131
4 ball 63523/38c2021-02-021
4 ball 64246/9120c2021-02-021
4 ball 64518/13108c2021-03-042
4 ball 6622 3/7148c2021-02-021
4 ball 66315/15111c2021-03-091
4 ball 7162 2/3150c2021-02-032
4 ball 733311/2580c2022-09-256
4 ball 74234/418c2021-03-141
4 ball 744113/29112c2021-03-265
4 ball 75225/6102c2021-02-021
4 ball 753116/54128c2021-02-122
4 ball 85123/39c2021-04-161
4 ball 456416/810c2021-04-271
4 ball 535349/10100c2021-02-123
4 ball 53552 2/62m2022-10-032
4 ball 55244 2/75m 15s2022-10-034
4 ball 55514 2/338m 27s2022-10-039
4 ball 5555010/412m 26s2021-05-214
4 ball 616167/15349c2022-09-286
4 ball 625257/724c2021-02-093
4 ball 642444/6188c2021-04-242
4 ball 662515/624c2022-06-232
4 ball 663148/1020c2021-04-242
4 ball 7531413/2180c2021-06-045
4 ball 8333312/1510c2021-04-241
4 ball 863123/324c2021-04-272
4 ball 535551 2/3250c2022-10-022
4 ball 555504 2/32m 21s2022-09-282
4 ball 66660011/22108c2021-02-043
4 ball 915171 shower4/8292c2023-07-2115
4 ball 9333336/117c2021-04-251
4 ball 55255513/31m 1s2022-09-282
4 ball 55516335/67c2021-04-241
4 ball 55615518/963c2022-02-082
4 ball 70707079/1524c2023-07-103
4 ball 7272712 3/8200c2023-07-104
4 ball 77770007/943c2021-01-272
4 ball 55255550 2/32m 28s2022-10-043
4 ball 555504444 1/73m 3s2022-10-025
4 ball 535525551555505/7108c2021-02-151
4 ball a4414415/87c2021-04-241
4 ball async fountain22/16817m 40s2021-05-147
4 ball async fountain in outside throws10/26230c2023-09-131
4 ball async fountain in overheads29/3623c2022-06-268
4 ball async fountain laying down9/96c2021-05-182
4 ball async fountain on a rola bola 3/111192c2021-01-174
4 ball async fountain on a slackline 1/542c2024-06-292
4 ball async fountain with a ball balanced on the head 1/61m 55s (518c)2021-01-141
4 ball async fountain with clawed catches 2/11340c2021-04-213
4 ball box6/16208c2023-10-0714
4 ball columns8/262m 22s2022-09-085
4 ball columns with clawed catches 3/6148c2021-07-013
4 ball d1d1313131 shower2/220c2021-04-251
4 ball four tier shower 1/245c2024-06-131
4 ball high low shower5/37330c2023-09-1515
4 ball high middle low shower5/18138c2024-06-139
4 ball mills mess43/6284c2023-09-3011
4 ball one high two low shower9/1636c2022-09-255
4 ball shower7/823m 3s (1098c)2023-09-149
4 ball splits8/1049c2021-03-033
4 ball sprung cascade12/29168c2023-02-187
4 ball sync fountain16/1264m 18s2022-09-074
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws 1/172m 1s2023-09-135
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws with clawed catches 1/7102c2021-04-213
4 ball sync fountain in overheads9/1152c2021-10-254
4 ball sync fountain laying down3/310c2021-01-271
4 ball sync fountain on a rola bola 2/65m 15s2022-10-124
4 ball sync fountain with arms crossed3/34c2021-05-191
4 ball tennis14/21115c2021-01-132
4 ball two high one low shower6/1187c2022-09-255
4 ball two high two low shower 3/744c2022-09-255
4 ball wimpy6/284m 30s2021-05-185
4 ball wimpy in overheads5/610c2021-03-241
4 ball wimpy laying down1/18c2021-05-181
4 ball wimpy with clawed catches 1/4171c2021-11-195
4 ball windmill12/1544c2023-03-183
4 ball [33]33 2/77m 33s2021-02-242
4 ball [33][11]3/3500c2022-09-072
4 ball [44]0 2/5168c2022-11-0915
4 club async fountain in doubles80/9411c2020-09-011
4 club async fountain in singles54/7023c2023-07-102
4 club sync fountain in singles29/3914c2022-04-301
4 ring async fountain51/8478c2023-06-281
4 ring columns5/532c2023-06-281
4 ring sync fountain30/5172c2023-06-282
5 ball (0,4)([44],[44]) 3/123m 32s2022-10-032
5 ball (4x,0)([44],[44])* 3/8269c2022-09-027
5 ball (4x,6)*5/12212c2024-07-173
5 ball (4x,8)(4,4)*5/566c2024-07-116
5 ball (6,4)5/8100c2022-05-224
5 ball (6,4)(4x,6)*6/7114c2022-09-236
5 ball (6,4)(6x,4)* 2/6120c2022-09-2312
5 ball (6,4x)*10/37212c2024-07-1717
5 ball (6,6)(6,2) 3/5147c2022-09-092
5 ball (6,6)(6,2x)* 2/6120c2022-09-228
5 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6,0)6/9105c2021-11-285
5 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6x,0)* 2/5134c2023-07-2212
5 ball (6,6)(6x,2)*7/10112c2021-11-2010
5 ball (6,6)(6x,2x)2/2106c2022-06-159
5 ball (6,6)(6x,6x)(6x,0)*1/155c2023-07-224
5 ball (6x,4)(6,4x)8/12104c2022-01-2012
5 ball (6x,4)(6,4x)(4x,6)(4,6x)4/7112c2022-08-179
5 ball (6x,4)(6x,4x)(6x,4x)*3/351c2023-07-222
5 ball (6x,4)(6x,4x)*8/10100c2022-11-0711
5 ball (6x,4)*18/74399c2024-07-1313
5 ball (6x,4x) 2/6238c2022-11-139
5 ball (6x,4x)(6,4x)*9/12108c2024-05-124
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower19/35105c2021-03-145
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,2)* 2/4123c2021-05-132
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,2x)3/3104c2021-05-246
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,6x)(6x,0)* 2/4144c2021-03-087
5 ball (8,2x)(8,2x)(8,2x)* 3/645c2022-11-145
5 ball (8,2x)*5/822c2022-11-292
5 ball (8x,2)(8x,2)(8x,2)(8x,2x)*1/130c2022-11-133
5 ball (8x,4)(4,4)*10/2084c2024-07-1011
5 ball (8x,4x)(4,4) 2/324c2024-07-121
5 ball (8x,4x)(4x,4x) 1/416c2024-07-121
5 ball (ax,4)(4,4)(4,4)* 3/58c2021-04-191
5 ball ([44],[44])(4,0) columns 1/7584c2022-09-282
5 ball 1 hand async fountain12/4510c2023-02-219
5 ball 5 half shower6/38380c2022-10-0612
5 ball 644/16162c2024-05-218
5 ball 734/671c2022-09-062
5 ball 73 half shower5/10109c2022-09-114
5 ball 821/132c2022-11-084
5 ball 64514/74393c2024-05-2117
5 ball 66313/34134c2022-10-2012
5 ball 7265/9100c2022-08-1210
5 ball 74431/87161c2024-07-1817
5 ball 75317/44115c2022-11-1111
5 ball 77121/35101c2022-06-187
5 ball 8252/236c2023-07-222
5 ball 83411/1212c2024-07-152
5 ball 852 2/334c2022-11-112
5 ball 86113/1836c2023-05-185
5 ball 9423/38c2022-09-221
5 ball 64554/5100c2022-10-086
5 ball 6635 3/535c2023-07-223
5 ball 66624/8105c2022-09-093
5 ball 6671 1/3134c2024-07-134
5 ball 744510/12106c2023-07-227
5 ball 74637/944c2024-07-183
5 ball 75354/68c2022-11-112
5 ball 75626/730c2022-09-162
5 ball 7571 3/6115c2022-05-206
5 ball 773310/1723c2024-07-155
5 ball 7742 3/4104c2022-09-166
5 ball 84445/15115c2022-11-139
5 ball 8453 3/49c2022-09-052
5 ball 85523/39c2022-11-112
5 ball 86424/939c2023-07-222
5 ball 345679/125c2024-07-191
5 ball 645555/960c2022-11-291
5 ball 645644/460c2024-07-191
5 ball 646454/10130c2022-09-2310
5 ball 646636/615c2022-10-092
5 ball 647445/14118c2023-01-1211
5 ball 66625 2/4120c2022-10-016
5 ball 6666113/52135c2022-11-0711
5 ball 6675110/1495c2024-07-219
5 ball 6756111/1420c2024-07-193
5 ball 727274/11110c2022-08-308
5 ball 744554/6111c2024-06-127
5 ball 744649/1153c2023-07-224
5 ball 756614/10113c2024-07-158
5 ball 757518/17119c2022-11-1813
5 ball 774255/55c2021-04-281
5 ball 774616/75c2024-09-051
5 ball 77722 2/9135c2021-05-139
5 ball 77731 2/750c2024-09-099
5 ball 781814/420c2022-11-152
5 ball 8444511/1344c2022-12-168
5 ball 844637/710c2024-07-191
5 ball 855256/68c2022-01-181
5 ball 855615/610c2024-07-191
5 ball 864617/910c2024-07-191
5 ball 88333 3/810c2024-09-041
5 ball 884419/2055c2024-07-1010
5 ball 88531 1/328c2024-07-182
5 ball 9444415/3990c2024-07-199
5 ball 944533/310c2024-07-191
5 ball 953444/410c2024-07-191
5 ball 953534/410c2024-07-191
5 ball 955514/945c2023-07-238
5 ball 96631 2/510c2022-09-162
5 ball 97441 3/710c2024-07-151
5 ball 9753131/7344c2024-09-0510
5 ball 6474631/118c2024-07-181
5 ball 648444 2/336c2024-07-193
5 ball 6666154/4102c2021-10-2116
5 ball 6666606/13100c2022-05-227
5 ball 666714 3/6102c2022-09-168
5 ball 7466613/3108c2022-11-185
5 ball 757515 2/3101c2022-11-2911
5 ball 7747143/39c2022-09-061
5 ball 777171 3/11167c2022-10-1716
5 ball 7773151/119c2021-05-122
5 ball 777711 2/7102c2022-06-148
5 ball 64646453/3100c2022-10-083
5 ball 6466661 1/2116c2024-07-204
5 ball 64844454/414c2024-07-191
5 ball 6666605 1/2107c2022-11-152
5 ball 74455555/8119c2022-11-1713
5 ball 74666152/214c2022-11-171
5 ball 77777006/1565c2022-11-166
5 ball 81818185/552c2022-11-165
5 ball 84447446/728c2024-07-151
5 ball 8446661 3/4111c2024-07-216
5 ball 88881113/37c2021-11-251
5 ball 646455551/1119c2022-11-156
5 ball 667716611/1100c2023-01-076
5 ball 74466661 3/440c2024-09-053
5 ball 817171784/48c2022-11-071
5 ball 97531744 3/413c2024-07-191
5 ball 909090909 2/55c2021-05-031
5 ball 929292912 2/320c2024-09-043
5 ball 9444484446/618c2024-07-191
5 ball 66661555552/2100c2021-05-047
5 ball 66661777311/130c2021-05-162
5 ball 7773177722 1/267c2021-05-127
5 ball 666616666602/2130c2022-06-098
5 ball 6666166661744744 2/3100c2024-07-162
5 ball 646636662666616666601/121c2022-10-051
5 ball a44444 3/620c2024-07-102
5 ball b171913/394c2024-09-095
5 ball b4444447/1214c2024-09-051
5 ball box4/512c2022-08-141
5 ball cascade82/2375m 7s (1535c)2022-09-2210
5 ball cascade blind7/195c2021-01-231
5 ball cascade in overheads29/356c2021-02-132
5 ball cascade isolated11/285m 5s (1525c)2022-08-297
5 ball cascade laying down4/56c2021-01-031
5 ball cascade on a rola bola5/152m 22s2021-02-177
5 ball cascade on a slackline 1/337c2024-06-292
5 ball cascade with a ball balanced on the head 3/10230c2021-05-152
5 ball cascade with clawed catches 1/9110c2021-03-144
5 ball four tier shower4/616c2024-07-103
5 ball high low shower11/28114c2023-09-3010
5 ball high middle low shower7/1124c2024-07-114
5 ball mills mess37/448c2023-09-273
5 ball one high two low shower6/612c2021-04-231
5 ball reverse cascade32/5847c2023-09-135
5 ball reverse cascade isolated5/518c2021-01-261
5 ball shower10/73225c2022-11-2913
5 ball sprung fountain 3/434c2023-01-127
5 ball sync fountain 1/6330c2021-05-221
5 ball tennis6/16118c2023-09-138
5 ball three high one low shower 2/340c2024-07-113
5 ball [23]1/19m 12s2021-02-241
5 ball [33][33]3 3/134m 54s2021-03-064
5 ball [33][33]3 in outside throws 3/51m 6s (254c)2021-05-195
5 ball [44]444 2/7415c2022-11-075
5 club cascade in doubles94/1215c2023-07-011
5 ring cascade73/9211c2023-06-292
6 ball (4,[44])*5/568c2021-02-161
6 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6,6)(6x,6x)(6x,6x)(6x,6x) 1/280c2023-07-187
6 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6x,6x)2/248c2024-07-091
6 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6x,6x)(6x,6x) 2/379c2024-07-127
6 ball (6,6)(6x,6x) 3/7124c2024-05-1613
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)11/2562c2024-05-157
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)(6,6) 3/417c2022-07-033
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)(8x,8x)(4x,4x)1/18c2021-04-301
6 ball (8,8)(8,8)(2x,2x) 3/530c2024-09-096
6 ball (8x,4x) half shower1/123c2024-06-271
6 ball (8x,6)(4,6x)8/96c2021-04-261
6 ball (8x,8x)(4,4) 1/235c2024-07-082
6 ball (8x,8x)(8x,8x)(2x,2x)1/182c2022-11-1210
6 ball (8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,8x)(0,0)1/124c2021-12-021
6 ball (a,a)(2x,2x)2/220c2024-05-122
6 ball (a,a)(6,6)(2x,2x) 2/336c2024-06-273
6 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x])(4x,4x)2/284c2024-07-086
6 ball ([44],4)(4,[44]) 3/675c2021-05-222
6 ball ([44],[44])(4,4) 1/13258c2024-07-087
6 ball 1 hand async fountain8/216c2023-08-052
6 ball 44[44][44] 2/7330c2024-07-098
6 ball 754/16119c2022-02-094
6 ball 75 half shower22/61119c2022-04-249
6 ball 84 2/312c2022-05-201
6 ball 75619/53107c2024-06-1213
6 ball 77419/2712c2024-09-093
6 ball 85521/3512c2024-09-093
6 ball 882 2/520c2024-07-084
6 ball 5555[55] 3/565c2021-10-315
6 ball 5555[55] 3/5130c2024-07-095
6 ball 66753/330c2024-07-154
6 ball 88447/1240c2024-06-277
6 ball 955518/2928c2024-09-095
6 ball 97539/128c2022-11-141
6 ball 757564/419c2024-09-093
6 ball 777724/16112c2022-09-2914
6 ball 777814/415c2024-07-152
6 ball 955564/510c2023-01-111
6 ball 7777716/34102c2022-10-0815
6 ball 8888223/327c2022-02-093
6 ball 888831 1/329c2022-11-123
6 ball 7777716 2/644c2022-02-075
6 ball 77777705/23112c2022-09-3013
6 ball 85777712/214c2023-09-271
6 ball 88881813/314c2021-11-261
6 ball 88888800 2/518c2021-11-262
6 ball 88888800 2/318c2021-11-262
6 ball 6666777721/136c2022-11-143
6 ball 6666667777712/236c2022-10-084
6 ball 6666667777770 2/372c2022-10-085
6 ball 7777770777771 2/454c2023-10-148
6 ball a1a1a1a1a1/118c2022-11-111
6 ball async fountain51/164184c2023-08-2420
6 ball async fountain blind 2/36c2021-03-231
6 ball async fountain isolated11/2057c2021-02-165
6 ball async fountain on a rola bola 3/4101c2022-10-127
6 ball async fountain on a slackline 1/216c2024-06-291
6 ball async fountain with clawed catches 2/623c2021-03-311
6 ball b666612/26c2022-12-161
6 ball b667511/16c2024-07-151
6 ball b9753120/4612c2024-05-233
6 ball columns4/712c2022-02-072
6 ball d191b11/118c2024-09-092
6 ball high low shower4/618c2024-05-291
6 ball shower13/4564c2024-07-1112
6 ball shower1/112c2024-07-211
6 ball splits3/36c2021-05-091
6 ball sprung cascade4/64c2023-01-111
6 ball sync fountain18/90115c2024-05-2113
6 ball sync fountain blind 2/56c2021-01-231
6 ball sync fountain in outside throws3/38c2021-01-111
6 ball sync fountain in overheads4/66c2022-03-131
6 ball sync fountain isolated9/1125c2021-01-242
6 ball sync fountain laying down2/26c2021-01-271
6 ball sync fountain on a rola bola1/147c2022-10-113
6 ball sync fountain with clawed catches1/116c2021-03-312
6 ball wimpy7/581m 25s (341c)2022-08-3011
6 ball wimpy blind 1/46c2021-03-231
6 ball wimpy isolated4/12136c2021-11-096
6 ball wimpy on a rola bola 1/3234c2022-10-1212
6 ball wimpy on a slackline1/116c2024-06-292
6 ball wimpy with a ball balanced on the head1/141c2021-02-141
6 ball wimpy with clawed catches1/120c2021-03-311
6 ball [24]1/1150c2021-02-241
6 ball [33]4/344m 43s (1490c)2021-06-2110
6 ball [33] in outside throws 1/7494c2021-05-238
6 ball [33] mills mess variation 3/1071c2023-10-072
6 ball [33] windmill 2/532c2021-05-212
6 ball [44]41/1149c2022-11-084
6 ball [44][22][33] 3/484c2024-07-081
6 ball [44][44][11]4/418c2022-08-211
6 ball [55][11]5/518c2021-05-162
6 ball [333][33]34/423c2021-05-263
6 ball [3333]332/28c2021-02-161
6 ring sync fountain28/4310c2023-06-291
7 ball (8,6)4/613c2023-08-244
7 ball (8,6x)*9/118c2022-01-281
7 ball (8,8)(8,8)(8,2x)*2/214c2022-01-251
7 ball (8,8)(8,8)(8,8)(8,0) 2/313c2021-11-261
7 ball (8,8)(8,8)(8,8)(8x,0)*1/114c2021-11-241
7 ball (8x,6)*31/5414c2024-08-074
7 ball (8x,6x)1/129c2024-06-087
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower18/3531c2024-06-188
7 ball (8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,2x)1/122c2022-11-102
7 ball (8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,0)*1/127c2022-01-253
7 ball ([44],[44])([44],4) 2/441c2024-09-043
7 ball 5[55]5[55]52/28c2021-10-311
7 ball 865/516c2021-11-262
7 ball 555[55][55]7/88c2021-05-141
7 ball 86714/2516c2024-06-123
7 ball 8856/109c2024-09-091
7 ball 96620/3312c2024-08-071
7 ball 867772/210c2022-11-291
7 ball 868672/210c2024-09-091
7 ball 88888814/1321c2021-11-122
7 ball 9797971 2/37c2022-11-241
7 ball 99999223/310c2021-04-061
7 ball 99999311/112c2021-11-122
7 ball 888888172/215c2021-11-251
7 ball 888888177777771/119c2021-10-262
7 ball 8888881888888802/214c2021-11-241
7 ball cascade69/184134c2024-05-1321
7 ball cascade blind 2/47c2021-01-231
7 ball cascade isolated9/2199c2021-11-118
7 ball cascade on a rola bola 2/647c2021-11-128
7 ball cascade on a slackline1/120c2024-06-292
7 ball cascade with a ball balanced on the head 3/659c2021-12-102
7 ball cascade with clawed catches 1/316c2021-03-311
7 ball db975316/157c2021-04-301
7 ball shower4/1528c2023-09-127
7 ball [44][44][44]42/235c2024-09-041
8 ball (8,8)(8x,8x)(8,8)(8x,8x)1/116c2023-09-063
8 ball (8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8x,8x)(8,8)(8,8)(8,8)(8,8)1/116c2021-11-241
8 ball (a,a)(6,6)1/110c2023-08-261
8 ball (ax,ax)(ax,ax)(ax,ax)(2x,2x)1/116c2022-11-093
8 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x]) 1/335c2024-07-083
8 ball ([44],[44])5/832c2022-11-084
8 ball 974/515c2022-01-192
8 ball 97 half shower14/3217c2023-01-043
8 ball 9789/119c2023-09-231
8 ball 99999924/410c2021-05-091
8 ball 999999914/812c2021-10-232
8 ball 9999999905/1616c2022-06-184
8 ball async fountain35/12827c2022-11-113
8 ball async fountain on a rola bola 3/410c2021-11-123
8 ball sync fountain9/7431c2022-11-116
8 ball sync fountain blind 1/28c2021-01-231
8 ball sync fountain on a rola bola1/110c2021-11-123
8 ball wimpy21/5441c2023-07-2110
8 ball wimpy isolated 3/516c2021-12-163
8 ball wimpy on a rola bola1/123c2022-09-015
8 ball wimpy on a slackline1/19c2024-06-292
8 ball [44]15/2322c2022-11-082
8 ball [55][55][55][55]03/38c2021-04-171
9 ball (ax,0)(ax,ax)(ax,ax)(ax,ax)(ax,ax)*1/19c2021-04-061
9 ball (ax,8x) half shower7/109c2023-01-041
9 ball aaaaaaaa1 1/49c2023-01-132
9 ball cascade33/11819c2023-07-188
9 ball cascade on a rola bola3/39c2021-04-041
9 ball [333]6/79c2021-05-161
10 ball (a,a)(ax,ax)1/110c2023-09-061
10 ball (cx,cx)(cx,cx)(cx,cx)(cx,cx)(2x,2x)1/110c2023-08-021
10 ball async fountain13/4910c2023-01-131
10 ball b9 half shower4/710c2024-06-181
10 ball bbbbbbbbbb0 2/310c2023-02-211
10 ball sync fountain7/3910c2023-01-122
10 ball sync fountain on a rola bola1/19c2021-04-071
10 ball wimpy7/2013c2023-07-205
10 ball wimpy on a rola bola1/110c2021-04-112
12 ball wimpy5/84c2023-08-011
Longest time on a rola bola 2/827m 3s2021-01-041
Longest time on a rola bola blind 2/41m 10s2021-01-072
Most catches in 1 minute of 5 ball cascade 3/16348c2021-10-231
Most catches in 10 seconds of 5 ball cascade 2/868c2021-10-231
Most connected 2 ball in one hand 2 up 360s5/1552022-11-291
Most connected 3 ball 1 up 360s 3/5102022-11-291
Most connected 4 ball 2 up 360s7/812021-05-031
Most connected 4 ball 2 up 360s in sync4/1022021-10-242
Most connected 4 ball 4 up 360s in sync 3/512021-05-291
Most connected 5 ball 3 up 360s6/1712021-06-041
Most consecutive 6 ball flashes 1/91432022-09-281
Most consecutive 6 ball qualifies4/8142023-07-101
Most consecutive 7 ball flashes 2/12412021-10-282
Most consecutive 7 ball qualifies4/7142021-10-293
Most consecutive 8 ball flashes4/12242022-09-064
Most consecutive 8 ball qualifies 3/532022-01-192
Most consecutive 9 ball flashes7/1442023-08-043
Shortest time to achieve 10 catches of 3 ball cascade 2/92s2022-09-271
edvardnaarstad's Recent Solo Records
5 ball 7773150c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball 955528c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball 77412c2024-09-092024-09-09-
5 ball b1719194c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball d191b118c2024-09-092024-09-09-
7 ball 8859c2024-09-092024-09-09-
7 ball 8686710c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball 85512c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball (8,8)(8,8)(2x,2x)30c2024-09-092024-09-09-
6 ball 7575619c2024-09-092024-09-09-
+ View all of edvardnaarstad's records
edvardnaarstad's Team Patterns
edvardnaarstad, Eivind Dragsjo16 ball 1 count 3/516pc2023-06-301
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