

@Street_Juggler on instagram From the worst contry of world Chile im very poor the juggling keep me alive

Combined flashed: 14
Combined qualified: 12

Reputation: 100%
Country: Chile
Joined: 2023-08-05

Cristian_Albornoz's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 33
 - 22
 - 13

Cristian_Albornoz's solo records stats

Cristian_Albornoz's Badges (63)

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Cristian_Albornoz's Videos

Cristian_Albornoz's Passing Teams

Cristian_Albornoz is a member of the passing team: Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho.
Cristian_Albornoz's Solo Patterns
1 ball 17/155m 13s (705c)2023-11-231
1 ball 1 blind4/65m 13s (705c)2023-11-231
2 ball 1 hand async fountain blind 3/817c2023-09-062
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws 1/1710m 55s (1255c)2023-08-231
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads10/1185c2023-12-201
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads inverted1/185c2023-12-201
2 ball 1 hand columns 1/2420m 30s2023-09-092
2 ball 1 hand in shoulder throws11/111c2023-08-141
2 ball 1 hand reverse shoulder throws5/51c2023-08-141
2 club 1 hand async fountain7/171m 58s (162c)2023-09-071
2 club 411 in doubles5/529c2023-12-251
3 ball (4,4)(4,0) 2/2014m 41s (3660c)2024-01-201
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)(4,4)(0,4x)6/132m 18s2023-11-161
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)* 2/1411m 19s (2463c)2024-01-201
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)* in outside throws 2/86m 30s (1389c)2024-01-201
3 ball 1 hand async fountain15/781m 23s (110c)2023-08-102
3 ball 1 hand async fountain behind the back1/15c2023-09-131
3 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws 2/450c2023-09-111
3 ball 1 hand async fountain in overheads1/17c2023-11-301
3 ball 1 hand columns 2/133m2023-08-314
3 ball 1 hand columns in overheads1/16c2023-11-301
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade5/1166c2024-08-153
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 1/35m 45s (738c)2023-08-232
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 behind the back1/133c2024-02-042
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 blind1/115c2024-09-161
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 cross-column1/136c2024-09-161
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 in inside throws1/118c2024-09-161
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 with the 1s inverted slammed1/115c2024-09-151
3 ball 3 half shower 2/12236m 38s (8070c)2023-09-072
3 ball 333 half shower blind2/210c2024-09-161
3 ball 333 isolated behind the back on a unicycle1/114c2023-08-181
3 ball 42313/819m 30s2023-11-011
3 ball 423 behind the back2/230c2023-12-011
3 ball 423 blind on a unicycle1/16c2023-08-141
3 ball 423 in overheads 3/9243c2023-12-051
3 ball 44124/923m2023-10-301
3 ball 441 blind5/1124c2023-08-311
3 ball 441 in overheads5/9150c2023-12-201
3 ball 441 on a unicycle 1/32m 50s2023-08-282
3 ball 441 with the 1s up the back 1/5302c2023-11-303
3 ball 531 in overheads5/1293c2023-12-201
3 ball 5313 in overheads3/393c2023-12-201
3 ball 55115/191m 45s2023-11-091
3 ball 52512 3/2713m 46s2024-01-012
3 ball 52512 blind2/29c2023-08-141
3 ball 5550016/29225c2024-02-011
3 ball 66111 1/4275c2024-07-041
3 ball 771111 1/4210c2024-11-093
3 ball backcrosses34/6470c2023-08-081
3 ball backcrosses on a unicycle2/23c2023-08-131
3 ball cascade13/1851h 17m 7s2024-01-051
3 ball cascade blind15/581m 13s (155c)2023-09-062
3 ball cascade blind behind the back8/332m 57s2024-01-202
3 ball cascade blind on a unicycle1/124c2023-09-012
3 ball columns10/412m 18s2023-11-161
3 ball reverse cascade behind the back1/19c2024-11-061
3 ball reverse cascade blind on a unicycle1/17c2023-08-141
3 ball reverse cascade in overheads4/799c2023-12-201
3 ball shower 2/11921m 15s2023-08-192
3 ball shower blind7/2099c2023-09-061
3 ball shower on a unicycle 1/32m 4s2023-08-182
3 ball tennis behind the back3/312c2023-08-151
3 ball tennis behind the back pinball1/130c2023-11-251
3 ball tennis blind 1/293c2023-08-151
3 ball [44]040 1/85m 45s (738c)2023-08-231
3 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles5/75c2023-08-201
3 club 1 hand columns in doubles4/45c2023-08-101
3 club 42323/281m2023-11-111
3 club 423 in singles7/131m 40s2023-09-261
3 club 44138/4033c2023-09-071
3 club 441 in doubles with the 1s up the back1/148c2023-11-051
3 club cascade in singles17/13146m 42s2024-01-152
3 club columns1/160c2023-08-271
3 club reverse cascade 2/31m 15s2023-11-111
3 club reverse cascade in doubles8/121m 15s2023-11-111
3 club shower7/321m 5s (204c)2023-09-072
4 ball (2,4x)(2x,[4x4x])*1/1118c2024-01-101
4 ball (4,4)(4,4)(4x,4x)5/7546c2024-01-051
4 ball (4,4)([4x4x],0)* 1/31m (248c)2023-12-251
4 ball (4x,4x)([4x4x],0)* 1/2192c2023-12-251
4 ball (6,6)(6,6)(0,0)6/11224c2023-12-211
4 ball (6,6)(6,6)(0,0)7/17224c2023-12-141
4 ball (6,6)(6x,0)(6x,0)* 2/436c2023-12-151
4 ball (6x,0)(6x,0)(6x,6x)*4/440c2023-12-151
4 ball ([44],4)(0,4) 1/54m 5s (680c)2024-01-131
4 ball 1 hand async fountain16/6636c2023-08-124
4 ball 1 hand async fountain isolated 3/414c2023-09-161
4 ball 1 hand columns1/136c2023-08-301
4 ball 1 hand [44]0 3/995c2024-01-314
4 ball 1 hand [44]0 behind the back1/16c2023-08-141
4 ball 33[33] 1/1652m 50s (13948c)2024-01-171
4 ball 33[33] in overheads 1/216c2023-12-201
4 ball 42[33] 1/43m 8s2023-12-192
4 ball 5314/26110c2023-08-121
4 ball 53 half shower29/43156c2023-08-172
4 ball 53 half shower in overheads 1/344c2023-12-202
4 ball 53 in overheads4/444c2023-12-201
4 ball 552 1/5632m 30s2023-09-234
4 ball 552 in overheads6/65c2023-08-251
4 ball 56119/2172c2024-01-241
4 ball 5551 3/5812m (3480c)2024-01-045
4 ball 5551 on a unicycle 1/31m 3s2023-08-231
4 ball 744128/294c2023-08-171
4 ball 8233 1/248c2023-08-171
4 ball 566127/1072c2024-01-021
4 ball 66611 1/4128c2023-10-202
4 ball 777111 2/360c2024-01-091
4 ball 55615516/9105c2024-08-312
4 ball 88811111/114c2024-07-241
4 ball async fountain10/17838m 23s2024-01-062
4 ball async fountain blind10/2814c2023-10-301
4 ball async fountain blind behind the back5/622c2024-07-173
4 ball async fountain in overheads6/371m2023-10-181
4 ball async fountain on a unicycle 1/43m 29s2023-09-014
4 ball columns10/282m 5s2023-08-251
4 ball shower14/871m 18s (230c)2023-08-122
4 ball sync fountain19/1324m 11s2023-08-131
4 ball tennis11/21148c2023-10-301
4 ball [33][11] 1/3672c2024-01-281
4 ball [44]04/595c2024-01-313
4 ball [77]00[11] 1/32m 18s (212c)2023-12-231
4 club 55214/2032c2023-10-212
4 club 552 in doubles10/1210c2023-08-101
4 club 555114/1916c2023-11-051
4 club 55550 in doubles10/106c2023-11-051
4 club async fountain in doubles59/97110c2023-12-193
4 club async fountain in doubles on a unicycle4/414c2023-09-231
4 club shower in doubles4/46c2023-11-052
4 club sync fountain in doubles46/5420c2023-10-271
5 ball (0,4)([44],[44])4/12505c2024-02-061
5 ball (4x,0)([44],[44])*4/8156c2024-06-021
5 ball (4x,4x)(4x,[4x4x])1/120c2024-01-101
5 ball (4x,4x)([44],4)1/1185c2024-02-032
5 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6x,0)*5/525c2023-12-151
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,2)*4/518c2024-07-241
5 ball (8,8)(8x,0)(8x,0)(8x,0)*1/112c2024-07-241
5 ball (8x,8x)(8x,0)(8x,0)(8x,0)*1/112c2024-07-241
5 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x])(4,0)1/125c2024-01-291
5 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x])(6x,0)([22],[22])* in outside throws1/110c2024-01-291
5 ball ([22],4x)([2x2x],[4x4x])*1/150c2024-01-101
5 ball ([44],4)(0,[44])1/1230c2024-02-032
5 ball ([44],4)(4,4)1/1160c2024-02-032
5 ball 1 hand 60[66]0[66]02/210c2023-09-021
5 ball 1 hand async fountain12/4712c2023-11-285
5 ball 5 half shower6/37404c2023-11-092
5 ball 6666135/5460c2023-10-183
5 ball 727278/1230c2023-08-121
5 ball 7777114/742c2024-07-243
5 ball 8888111 2/314c2023-08-201
5 ball 929292912 2/320c2023-12-292
5 ball cascade47/24710m 16s2024-01-094
5 ball cascade blind9/195c2023-09-011
5 ball cascade blind behind the back9/117c2023-11-251
5 ball shower34/7492c2023-11-014
5 ball shower isolated 2/460c2023-08-181
5 ball tennis 3/16150c2023-11-091
5 ball [33][33]34/132m 38s (690c)2024-01-202
5 ball [44]4445/7162c2023-11-251
5 ball [44]444 blind behind the back1/19c2023-11-251
5 ball [44][22]3 3/43m 36s2023-12-091
5 ball [55]15[11][55][11] 1/225c2023-11-251
5 club cascade in doubles115/1277c2023-08-051
6 ball (4,[44])* 3/596c2024-01-302
6 ball (6,6)(6,6)(6x,6x) 1/21m 43s (246c)2024-01-091
6 ball (6,6)(6x,6x)7/710c2023-10-251
6 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x])(4x,4x) 1/2138c2024-01-161
6 ball ([44],4)(4,[44]) 2/696c2024-01-301
6 ball ([44],[44])(4,4)4/13103c2024-01-061
6 ball 1 hand [66]0 2/48c2023-09-121
6 ball 5[55][11][52]1/118c2024-01-031
6 ball 6 on a unicycle 2/310c2023-11-031
6 ball 44[44][44]4/7156c2023-11-061
6 ball 44[55][55]21/113c2023-11-062
6 ball 55[55][55]01/124c2023-11-061
6 ball 75 half shower33/6195c2024-01-113
6 ball 5555[55]4/560c2024-02-043
6 ball 5555[55]4/560c2024-02-043
6 ball 77777114/3436c2023-12-303
6 ball 77777708/2431c2023-11-271
6 ball 92929291/111c2023-10-222
6 ball async fountain126/17030c2023-08-253
6 ball cascade behind the back1/119c2023-08-131
6 ball shower34/4516c2023-12-195
6 ball wimpy37/5960c2024-01-095
6 ball [33]6/343m 36s2024-01-203
6 ball [33] windmill 2/532c2023-12-251
6 ball [44][22][33] 2/4110c2024-02-031
6 ball [44][44][11] 2/4252c2024-02-104
6 ball [44][44][11] 1/5252c2024-02-105
6 ball [55]5[55]501/114c2024-01-311
6 ball [55][11] 3/524c2023-08-241
6 ball [55][33][11] 2/36c2023-11-301
6 ball [55][33][11]4/56c2023-11-301
7 ball (6,6)(6,[66])([66],0)1/17c2024-01-101
7 ball ([44],[44])([44],4) 3/435c2024-02-241
7 ball 7 half shower 1/256c2023-12-191
7 ball 95 half shower 1/856c2023-09-162
7 ball 555[55][55]5/821c2024-01-101
7 ball 88888817/1314c2023-08-202
7 ball cascade105/18670c2024-08-045
7 ball cascade on a unicycle 1/210c2023-08-181
7 ball reverse cascade14/169c2023-08-282
7 ball shower9/1512c2023-10-294
7 ball [33][333][33]1/17c2024-01-311
7 ball [44][44][44]4 1/263c2024-01-315
7 ball [44][44][44]4 behind the back1/18c2024-01-011
8 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x]) 2/312c2023-10-252
8 ball ([44],[44])6/824c2023-09-213
8 ball 999999917/88c2024-03-031
8 ball 9999999906/169c2023-10-231
8 ball async fountain100/12911c2023-09-163
8 ball async fountain on a unicycle2/28c2023-08-181
8 ball wimpy39/5914c2024-11-063
8 ball wimpy on a unicycle1/18c2023-08-181
8 ball [44]19/2419c2023-09-232
8 ball [55][55][22]2/210c2023-09-231
8 ball [55][55][55][11]2/28c2023-11-031
8 ball [55][55][55][55]0 2/39c2023-12-232
9 ball (6,6)([66x],6)([66],[66])*1/19c2024-07-101
9 ball (6,[66x])([66x],6)([66x],6)*1/19c2024-07-111
9 ball (6x,6x)([66x],6)([66],[66])*1/19c2024-07-111
9 ball ([66x],6)(6,[66x])([66x],6)*1/19c2024-07-111
9 ball ([66],6)([66],[66])([66],0)1/19c2024-07-111
9 ball 5[55][55][55][55] 3/410c2023-09-141
9 ball cascade74/12211c2023-12-174
Longest time with a club balanced on the head16/314m 40s2023-08-181
Most catches in 10 seconds of 5 ball cascade 1/870c2023-10-031
Most consecutive 7 ball flashes4/15372024-10-092
Most consecutive 7 ball qualifies 3/8372024-10-091
Shortest time to achieve 10 catches of 1 ball 15/82s2023-11-231
Cristian_Albornoz's Recent Solo Records
3 ball 771111210c2024-11-092024-11-10
I make 35x6 but only record the camera 24x6 but i play 35x6 believe me ok see you soon

3 ball 77111154c2024-11-062024-11-07
8 ball wimpy14c2024-11-062024-11-07
9 ball cascade10c2024-11-062024-11-07
3 ball reverse cascade behind the back9c2024-11-062024-11-07
Most consecutive 7 ball flashes372024-10-092024-10-09
Most consecutive 7 ball qualifies372024-10-092024-10-09
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 in inside throws18c2024-09-162024-09-16
3 ball 1 hand [44]040 cross-column36c2024-09-162024-09-16
3 ball 1 hand [44]04045c2024-09-162024-09-16-
+ View all of Cristian_Albornoz's records
Cristian_Albornoz's Team Patterns
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho7 ball 1 count4/410pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho7 ball 2 count10/1018pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho9 ball 2 count3/315pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho10 ball 1 count2/210pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunhoMost catches in 1 minute of 6 ball 2 count1/120pc2023-06-051
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