
Florian Lange

I'm Flo, a 17 year old juggler from Germany. Juggling is my biggest hobby, I've been juggling actively since 2020.

Florian Lange has been juggling for 7 years and 2 months.

Combined flashed: 27
Combined qualified: 23

Reputation: 100%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2022-01-24

Florian Lange is participating in the following leagues:
The Endurance League
  • The Numbers League

Florian Lange's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 14
 - 10
 - 13
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 632

Florian Lange's solo records stats

Florian Lange's Badges (114)

View Florian Lange's badge progress

Florian Lange's Videos

Florian Lange's Groups

Florian Lange's is a member of the public groups: 5 ball juggling, Ball Numbers, Siteswap Surpreme.
Florian Lange's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand async fountain23/1076m 50s2022-08-301
2 ball 1 hand columns with clawed catches 2/10400c2022-11-201
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles 3/377m2022-09-201
2 ring 1 hand async fountain21/49100c2022-08-251
3 ball 1 hand async fountain25/76106c2022-08-301
3 ball 1 hand async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights1/192c2022-10-261
3 ball 3 half shower69/118140c2022-08-301
3 ball 44152/89150c2022-08-301
3 ball 53134/68150c2022-08-301
3 ball 531 mills mess variation17/24120c2022-08-301
3 ball 1234522/27150c2022-08-301
3 ball boston mess13/19200c2022-08-301
3 ball cascade82/17810m 27s2022-08-171
3 ball factory 1/73m2022-09-031
3 ball high low shower11/28360c2022-08-301
3 ball mills mess 1/1221h 3m2024-02-191
3 ball reverse backcrosses4/1161c2022-11-202
3 ball reverse cascade51/119260c2022-08-301
3 club 423 in singles10/13102c2022-09-201
3 club 44122/39120c2022-09-201
3 club alberts in singles10/193c2022-08-301
3 club backcrosses in doubles24/3851c2022-09-161
3 club boston mess5/7105c2022-09-201
3 club cascade in doubles35/71120c2022-09-161
3 club cascade in flats30/62100c2022-09-051
3 club cascade in lazies7/15101c2024-02-271
3 club cascade in overheads in flats6/9100c2022-10-021
3 club cascade in singles45/13010m2022-08-031
3 club cascade in triples21/41100c2022-09-201
3 club cascade slapbacks7/13100c2023-03-262
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head16/45220c2024-01-211
3 club chops in singles11/24101c2022-09-201
3 club mills mess in doubles 3/8100c2022-09-031
3 club mills mess in singles20/33101c2022-09-201
3 ring (4,4)(4,0) in pancakes 1/430c2022-09-021
3 ring 3 half shower22/43120c2022-08-251
3 ring 423 in outside throws 1/105m 30s2022-09-021
3 ring 423 in pancakes 2/575c2022-09-021
3 ring 44119/26100c2024-02-131
3 ring 441 in pancakes 1/4120c2022-10-072
3 ring 53110/18100c2024-02-131
3 ring 531 in pancakes 1/618c2022-09-021
3 ring 4440 in pancakes 1/450c2022-09-021
3 ring cascade67/89100c2024-02-131
3 ring cascade in pancakes 1/3718m 32s2024-02-222
3 ring mills mess 3/175m2022-03-251
3 ring reverse cascade10/45290c2022-08-251
3 ring shower14/21100c2024-02-131
3 ring shower in pancakes 1/576c2022-09-302
4 ball (4,4)(4x,4x)17/19100c2024-02-181
4 ball (6,6)(2,2)5/8100c2024-02-171
4 ball (6,6)(2x,2x)9/11100c2024-02-171
4 ball (6x,6x)(2x,2x)5/6100c2024-02-171
4 ball 1 hand e0606060 1/25c2022-09-031
4 ball 53458/76100c2022-08-301
4 ball 534 isolated 3/6500c2022-09-031
4 ball 552 in outside throws6/7100c2024-02-181
4 ball 61510/32302c2022-10-121
4 ball 63331/59100c2024-02-181
4 ball 64220/32100c2024-02-171
4 ball 66014/23100c2024-02-131
4 ball 1267 3/592c2022-08-301
4 ball 1555 2/1924m 40s2022-08-291
4 ball 534411/14100c2024-02-181
4 ball 5551 2/5524m 40s2022-08-293
4 ball 73337/25100c2024-02-131
4 ball 744114/29100c2022-10-121
4 ball 753121/54100c2022-08-301
4 ball 5555018/41200c2024-02-132
4 ball 55550 isolated4/5100c2024-02-171
4 ball 777111 1/3100c2024-02-181
4 ball 53444444/4105c2024-02-171
4 ball 7777000 3/9100c2024-02-181
4 ball async fountain130/170100c2022-08-301
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head8/30170c2024-02-021
4 ball columns with clawed catches 1/6200c2022-09-031
4 ball high low shower21/37100c2024-02-181
4 ball mills mess isolated 3/5100c2022-09-031
4 ball shower isolated 3/5220c2022-09-031
4 ball sync fountain74/128100c2022-08-301
4 ball tennis16/21100c2024-02-171
4 ball tennis isolated4/4100c2024-02-171
4 club 53 half shower in flats 3/426c2022-12-251
4 club 53417/3754c2022-08-231
4 club async fountain in doubles17/957m2022-09-201
4 club async fountain in outside throws 3/625c2022-09-031
4 club async fountain in outside throws in doubles 2/625c2022-09-031
4 club async fountain in singles12/70936c2023-03-312
4 club sync fountain in doubles34/5150c2022-09-201
4 club sync fountain in singles23/3952c2022-09-201
4 ring async fountain22/85560c2022-08-251
4 ring async fountain in pancakes9/1844c2022-09-011
4 ring sync fountain24/52120c2022-08-251
5 ball (4x,6)*6/12144c2022-08-171
5 ball (6,4x)*18/37100c2022-09-251
5 ball (6x,4)*46/74120c2022-08-301
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower5/35540c2022-09-181
5 ball 1 hand async fountain12/4510c2022-09-011
5 ball 74435/87129c2022-08-301
5 ball 744 isolated 2/680c2022-09-031
5 ball 84447/15100c2024-02-131
5 ball 6666122/52102c2022-09-151
5 ball 675618/14100c2024-02-131
5 ball 9753125/73105c2023-11-091
5 ball 6666606/13100c2024-02-131
5 ball 77777005/15100c2024-02-131
5 ball cascade16/23831m 25s2023-11-082
5 ball cascade isolated13/284m2022-09-261
5 ball cascade with 0.5 kg wrist weights 2/36m2023-03-312
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head13/41100c2024-03-091
5 ball cascade with clawed catches 2/957c2022-09-031
5 ball shower25/73100c2022-09-251
5 ball sync fountain 2/6320c2022-11-202
5 club cascade in doubles41/122201c2022-08-241
5 ring cascade31/931m2022-08-221
5 ring cascade in pancakes 3/1580c2024-02-131
6 ball 1 hand async fountain8/216c2022-08-291
6 ball 75 half shower12/62242c2023-11-091
6 ball 75621/53104c2024-02-081
6 ball 955510/30112c2024-02-081
6 ball 777771 3/34108c2024-02-081
6 ball async fountain55/164156c2022-08-171
6 ball b9753119/4618c2023-03-262
6 ball [33] windmill 1/560c2024-02-191
6 club 75 in triple, double12/3368c2024-09-042
6 club async fountain in triples18/6123c2023-08-305
6 ring async fountain34/7236c2022-02-201
7 ball (8x,6)*29/5418c2022-08-171
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower9/35115c2023-11-081
7 ball cascade25/184350c2023-11-102
7 club cascade in triples23/5329c2024-02-088
7 ring cascade29/5716c2022-09-162
8 ball 97 2/518c2022-11-202
8 ball async fountain38/12824c2024-07-172
8 club 97 in quad, triple4/88c2024-04-122
8 ring async fountain24/478c2023-03-281
9 ball cascade29/11823c2023-11-093
9 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head 3/69c2024-04-161
9 ring cascade11/299c2024-01-031
10 ball async fountain13/4910c2023-02-102
Most connected 2 ball in one hand 2 up 360s5/1552022-08-132
Most connected 3 club 3 up 360s 1/852023-08-011
Florian Lange's Recent Solo Records
6 club 75 in triple, double68c2024-09-042024-09-05
8 ball async fountain24c2024-07-172024-07-17
10 ball async fountain10c2024-07-172024-07-17
9 ball cascade20c2024-07-152024-07-17
9 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head9c2024-04-162024-04-16-
8 club 97 in quad, triple8c2024-04-122024-04-12
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head100c2024-03-092024-03-09-
6 club 75 in triple, double48c2024-03-052024-03-06
8 club 97 in quad, triple6c2024-03-022024-03-02
3 club cascade in lazies101c2024-02-272024-02-27-
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