

Tamas Gyorgy

hirskontra has been juggling for 22 years.

Combined flashed: 15
Combined qualified: 14

Reputation: 100%
Country: Hungary
Joined: 2014-01-08

hirskontra's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 1
 - 5
 - 5

hirskontra's solo records stats

hirskontra's Badges (66)

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hirskontra's Videos

hirskontra's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand async fountain14/10911m 4s2021-01-293
2 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws15/17121c2003-11-112
2 ball 1 hand columns7/247m 23s2021-01-223
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles12/37128c2021-02-222
2 ring 1 hand async fountain9/49218c2022-12-123
2 ring 1 hand columns13/1414c2023-02-171
3 ball 1 hand 804017/2114c2020-06-135
3 ball 1 hand async fountain28/78108c2023-03-1319
3 ball 1 hand async fountain in outside throws 3/424c2021-05-067
3 ball 1 hand async fountain isolated5/869c2024-03-213
3 ball 1 hand async fountain with 1 kg wrist weights3/324c2022-04-224
3 ball 1 hand columns7/1342c2023-03-245
3 ball 3 half shower30/1223m 55s2021-02-071
3 ball 42337/812m 4s2021-02-191
3 ball 53130/69237c2014-04-053
3 ball 531 mills mess variation18/25117c2010-12-2512
3 ball backcrosses37/6458c2016-06-1812
3 ball box21/732m 5s2021-02-284
3 ball burke's burrage4/113m 5s2021-02-191
3 ball cascade62/18521m 30s2003-11-112
3 ball cascade blind52/5820c2023-02-171
3 ball cascade blind behind the back7/333m 40s (880c)2012-10-1917
3 ball cascade blind behind the back with a club balanced on the head 2/5240c2014-05-017
3 ball cascade in overheads7/443m 20s (620c)2021-03-239
3 ball cascade in overheads blind 2/411c2021-08-095
3 ball cascade in overheads with a club balanced on the head5/53c2023-12-121
3 ball cascade laying down8/16300c2023-02-281
3 ball cascade on a unicycle 2/5312c2023-10-066
3 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights 3/417m 50s (2701c)2023-03-071
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head14/34169c2022-03-177
3 ball columns15/412m2003-11-111
3 ball high low shower24/29100c2021-02-202
3 ball mills mess11/12610m 17s2010-02-195
3 ball reverse cascade17/1237m 21s2023-02-283
3 ball reverse cascade with a club balanced on the head4/512c2023-02-282
3 ball rubinstein's revenge6/659c2023-02-171
3 ball shower66/119266c2021-01-081
3 ball tennis5/4113m 29s2023-02-283
3 club 3 half shower16/1872c2021-03-293
3 club burke's burrage in singles 1/252c2021-02-283
3 club cascade in doubles18/72258c2021-02-262
3 club cascade in doubles on a unicycle2/215c2022-07-202
3 club cascade in flats42/6362c2016-07-128
3 club cascade in singles28/13129m 6s2023-02-2010
3 club cascade isolated with a club balanced on the head 3/590c2023-02-071
3 club cascade on a unicycle6/11182c2022-07-198
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head9/45298c2024-04-1831
3 club chops in singles14/2478c2021-04-215
3 club mills mess in singles14/33132c2021-03-013
3 club reverse cascade in singles9/23250c2021-11-124
3 club tennis7/16204c2021-02-193
3 ring 3 half shower43/448c2023-02-171
3 ring 42324/2652c2023-02-171
3 ring cascade46/943m 5s (355c)2023-01-272
3 ring cascade on a unicycle 2/321c2023-02-172
3 ring cascade with a club balanced on the head11/1514c2023-02-171
3 ring reverse cascade45/4645c2022-12-121
3 ring tennis19/2030c2023-02-172
4 ball 1 hand async fountain60/664c2009-04-261
4 ball 53442/78195c2017-08-259
4 ball 534 mills mess variation14/26150c2017-09-2210
4 ball 61532/3212c2013-01-302
4 ball 63322/59162c2017-08-2515
4 ball 64233/3451c2012-06-183
4 ball 733320/2512c2010-09-232
4 ball 753147/558c2011-06-301
4 ball async fountain43/17811m 4s2021-01-2915
4 ball async fountain in outside throws13/27152c2023-03-012
4 ball async fountain in overheads33/3716c2021-03-283
4 ball async fountain on a unicycle 3/460c2023-10-085
4 ball async fountain with 1 kg wrist weights5/65m 7s2021-02-012
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head21/3140c2022-02-265
4 ball columns13/281m 47s2021-02-282
4 ball high low shower36/3716c2014-09-282
4 ball mills mess24/65252c2023-01-1014
4 ball shower41/87147c2021-01-156
4 ball splits6/10162c2024-02-2512
4 ball sync fountain7/1327m 32s2021-04-137
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws15/1756c2023-03-012
4 ball sync fountain with 1 kg wrist weights3/32m 34s2021-02-083
4 ball sync fountain with a club balanced on the head9/1124c2022-02-264
4 ball tennis20/2144c2021-02-281
4 club 63319/213c2018-05-181
4 club async fountain in doubles68/9784c2020-08-198
4 club sync fountain in doubles31/5490c2021-04-055
4 ring async fountain65/8550c2023-01-272
4 ring sync fountain47/5443c2023-01-092
5 ball 5 half shower32/3754c2014-01-017
5 ball 64573/7512c2014-02-023
5 ball 74481/8924c2012-06-188
5 ball cascade146/2471m 31s (391c)2022-02-0314
5 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights7/9100c2022-02-124
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head35/415c2021-12-261
5 ball reverse cascade49/5730c2010-02-017
5 ball tennis9/1670c2015-04-016
6 ball ([44],[44])(4,4)12/1312c2010-03-201
6 ball 75 half shower61/616c2014-06-211
6 ball async fountain99/17062c2016-02-0422
6 ball async fountain isolated14/2144c2021-01-282
6 ball async fountain with 1 kg wrist weights5/517c2022-04-224
6 ball sync fountain49/9328c2014-08-1513
6 ball sync fountain isolated11/1320c2021-01-234
6 ball sync fountain with 1 kg wrist weights4/410c2022-02-122
6 ball [33]34/3412c2009-10-021
7 ball cascade178/1867c2011-06-221
Longest time with a club balanced on the head6/3113m 20s2020-05-304
Longest time with a club balanced on the head isolated 3/85m 20s2023-02-091
Longest time with a ring balanced on the head 2/62m 40s2023-02-171
Most consecutive 6 ball flashes7/9122022-01-221
Most consecutive 6 ball qualifies7/952022-01-041
hirskontra's Recent Solo Records
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head298c2024-04-182024-04-18
1st time to break the 2 mins barrier!

3 ball 1 hand async fountain isolated69c2024-03-212024-03-21
On my knees. Right hand PB: 40 c.
4 ball splits162c2024-02-252024-02-25-
3 ball cascade in overheads with a club balanced on the head3c2023-12-122023-12-12-
4 ball async fountain on a unicycle60c2023-10-082023-10-08
Clean finish. 24 inch unicycle.
3 ball cascade on a unicycle312c2023-10-062023-10-06
24 inch unicycle.
3 ball 1 hand async fountain isolated66c2023-08-292023-08-29
on my knees. Right hand PB isolated: 40 c.
3 ball cascade on a unicycle289c2023-08-222023-08-22
With clean finish (300 m in distance). 24 inch unicycle.
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head244c2023-08-212023-08-22

3 ball 1 hand columns42c2023-03-242023-03-25
right hand PB: 16 c.

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