
Borre Isac Lorange

Norwegian Juggler, juggling Triangles. All ring records registered are done with Triangles.

Borre Isac Lorange has been juggling for 14 years and 1 month.

Combined flashed: 24
Combined qualified: 21

Reputation: 100%
Country: Norway
Joined: 2020-12-18

Borre Isac Lorange is participating in the following leagues:
The Endurance League
  • The Numbers League

Borre Isac Lorange's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 19
 - 18
 - 6
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 639

Borre Isac Lorange's solo records stats

Borre Isac Lorange's Badges (79)

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Borre Isac Lorange's Videos

Borre Isac Lorange's Passing Teams

Borre Isac Lorange is a member of the passing team: Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten.
Borre Isac Lorange's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand columns 2/2414m 43s2021-01-231
2 ball 50110/222m 41s2020-12-231
2 club 1 hand columns in singles 2/92m 58s (327c)2023-10-081
3 ball (6,2)(2x,2x) 2/5300c2021-01-301
3 ball 3 half shower9/12018m 22s (2378c)2020-12-181
3 ball 423 with penguin catches 1/5132c2022-03-011
3 ball 441 in outside throws5/113m 42s (875c)2022-03-041
3 ball 531 3/698m 39s2021-01-231
3 ball 4413 1/1413m 16s2023-11-271
3 ball 4512 2/146m 31s2023-11-271
3 ball 5223 1/3648c2023-11-281
3 ball 5511 2/189m 36s (2243c)2021-01-231
3 ball 5314417/10666c2020-12-231
3 ball box 2/7115m 24s (4240c)2023-11-272
3 ball cascade18/1801h 5m 40s2024-06-051
3 ball cascade blind24/57132c2020-12-241
3 ball cascade laying down6/16461c2021-08-081
3 ball factory 2/72m 56s2022-03-011
3 ball mills mess14/1237m 12s2023-11-281
3 ball reverse cascade in overheads 1/7312c2022-03-021
3 ball shower19/1173m 56s2020-12-181
3 ball shower isolated 1/817m 8s2022-03-011
3 ball tennis6/4012m 30s (2421c)2020-12-231
3 club (4,2) 1/6367c2022-09-091
3 club (4,4)(4,0) in doubles 1/6330c2023-10-111
3 club (4,4)(4x,0)(4,4)(0,4x) in doubles 1/2414c2024-07-161
3 club (4,4)(4x,0)* in singles 2/5441c2023-02-041
3 club (4x,2)* with the 4xs as doubles and the 2s as singles 2/5374c2022-09-241
3 club 3 in outside throws 2/6502c2023-10-081
3 club 423 in doubles1/11m 35s (124c)2023-09-081
3 club 423 in flats 3/8372c2022-03-041
3 club 423 in halfs 2/4247c2023-05-191
3 club 423 in singles 3/1310m 20s2023-09-081
3 club 441 2/3912m 3s2023-05-192
3 club 441 in singles4/165m 8s (1064c)2023-10-103
3 club 441 variation: 4 as a double, 4 as a flat and 1 as a normal2/2222c2023-10-101
3 club 612 1/2124c2023-02-051
3 club 4413 in singles 2/31112c2023-10-102
3 club 4440 1/126m 2s (564c)2023-01-201
3 club 5313 1/2136c2023-10-091
3 club 44403 in singles1/1200c2023-02-041
3 club 55500 in singles 3/41m 2s (123c)2023-10-091
3 club box7/18156c2023-08-281
3 club cascade in doubles5/7215m 25s (1331c)2021-01-251
3 club cascade in flat fronts 1/7432c2023-01-202
3 club cascade in flat fronts in flats1/16m 22s2023-11-012
3 club cascade in flats9/635m 1s (734c)2022-09-092
3 club cascade in halfs 1/2013m 43s2022-10-161
3 club cascade in lazies 2/152m 17s (243c)2022-09-231
3 club cascade in one and a halfs 3/5107c2023-02-041
3 club cascade in one and a halfs with ohshits 1/3152c2022-11-201
3 club cascade in singles14/1301h 1m 53s2024-01-102
3 club cascade in triples 3/421542c2022-09-301
3 club cascade slapbacks6/13104c2024-09-041
3 club cascade with arms crossed6/9125c2022-08-191
3 club continuous under arm in singles 1/4147c2022-09-241
3 club mills mess in doubles 2/8120c2023-09-081
3 club mills mess in singles7/33381c2022-10-161
3 club reverse cascade in flats 2/4376c2023-01-201
3 club windmill 1/8236c2023-10-221
3 club windmill in flat fronts in flats2/2208c2023-10-082
3 ring (4x,2)(2,4x) 2/4200c2020-12-211
3 ring 5315/182m 3s (306c)2020-12-211
3 ring cascade in flat fronts 1/125m 9s (577c)2023-07-131
3 ring windmill 1/8207c2022-03-021
4 ball 42[33] 2/41m 49s (210c)2023-11-281
4 ball 536/241m 42s (302c)2022-03-041
4 ball 53426/77342c2020-12-241
4 ball 5524/548m 12s2021-01-301
4 ball 6156/32564c2021-01-231
4 ball shower11/821m 37s (416c)2020-12-241
4 ball wimpy5/294m 31s (766c)2022-03-041
4 ball windmill 1/15311c2022-03-021
4 club async fountain in doubles21/96813c2023-10-081
4 club sync fountain in doubles10/51420c2023-10-081
4 ring 5348/18106c2021-01-251
4 ring async fountain20/853m 20s (542c)2021-02-011
4 ring sync fountain17/521m 18s (220c)2021-02-011
5 ball cascade16/24235m 11s2018-05-061
5 club cascade in doubles66/12482c2020-12-081
5 ring cascade33/93194c2020-05-121
6 club async fountain in triples52/616c2018-08-071
7 ball cascade44/185278c2017-03-181
7 ring cascade34/5721c2018-05-181
8 ball async fountain24/12949c2017-04-122
8 ring async fountain39/478c2019-02-181
9 ball cascade45/11919c2015-12-181
10 ball sync fountain19/4010c2012-07-101
Borre Isac Lorange's Recent Solo Records
3 club cascade slapbacks104c2024-09-042024-09-04-
3 club (4,4)(4x,0)(4,4)(0,4x) in doubles414c2024-07-162024-07-16-
3 ball cascade1h 5m 40s2024-06-052024-06-05
3 club cascade in singles1h 1m 53s2024-01-102024-01-10-
4 ball 42[33]1m 49s (210c)2023-11-282023-11-28-
3 ball mills mess7m 12s2023-11-282023-11-28-
3 ball 5223648c2023-11-282023-11-28-
3 ball 45126m 31s2023-11-272023-11-27-
3 ball 441313m 16s2023-11-272023-11-27-
3 ball box15m 24s (4240c)2023-11-272023-11-27-
+ View all of Borre Isac Lorange's records
Borre Isac Lorange's Team Patterns
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten7 club 3 count singles1/125pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten7 club 4 count triples1/1202pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten8 club 2 count doubles 3/9110pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten8 club 2 count singles1/140pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten9 club 2 count doubles2/233pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard Hvidsten9 club 2 count triples 1/233pc2023-08-281
Borre Isac Lorange, Haavard HvidstenMost catches in 1 minute of 6 club 2 count2/2144pc2023-08-281
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