
Dave Leahy

Combined flashed: 27
Combined qualified: 24

Reputation: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Joined: 2017-04-15

Dave Leahy's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 4
 - 5
 - 1

Dave Leahy's solo records stats

Dave Leahy's Badges (45)

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Dave Leahy's Groups

Dave Leahy's is a member of the public group: Ball Numbers.

Dave Leahy's Passing Teams

Dave Leahy is a member of the passing team: Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield.
Dave Leahy's Solo Patterns
3 ball backcrosses 1/6518m 36s (2232c)2017-04-151
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head28/3514c2017-04-151
5 ball 975317/751m 30s (515c)2017-04-151
5 ball b444b333444 2/333c2017-04-171
5 ball backcrosses7/39100c2017-04-151
5 ball cascade18/24930m (7200c)2017-04-151
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head29/4214c2017-04-151
5 ball four tier shower 1/6144c2017-04-151
5 ball high low shower6/28220c2017-04-151
6 ball (8,4)*6/20168c2017-04-151
6 ball 1 hand async fountain 3/2212c2017-04-151
6 ball 75617/54126c2017-04-151
6 ball 77414/2860c2020-12-181
6 ball 85515/3593c2017-04-151
6 ball 86414/2960c2017-04-151
6 ball 9459/1187c2017-04-271
6 ball 9635/1190c2020-12-181
6 ball 95557/30200c2017-04-151
6 ball async fountain16/1732m 13s (555c)2023-01-171
6 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights 2/3208c2024-08-051
6 ball async fountain with 1 kg wrist weights4/5160c2024-08-132
6 ball five tier shower 1/310c2017-04-151
7 ball 1 hand async fountain4/107c2017-04-151
7 ball backcrosses5/97c2017-04-151
7 ball cascade37/188297c2024-08-113
7 ball cascade with 0.5 kg wrist weights 2/3101c2024-08-051
7 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights4/661c2024-08-133
7 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head12/137c2017-04-151
7 ball db975314/1521c2017-04-151
7 club cascade in triples27/5523c2023-01-171
7 ring cascade39/5919c2023-01-171
8 ball async fountain20/13061c2017-06-061
8 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights2/223c2024-08-051
8 ball fdb97531 2/78c2017-04-151
8 ball shower 1/323c2017-04-151
8 ring async fountain40/5010c2023-01-171
9 ball (ax,8)*5/914c2017-04-151
9 ball cascade28/12333c2018-06-052
9 ball cascade with 0.5 kg wrist weights2/215c2024-08-051
9 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights 2/311c2024-08-031
10 ball async fountain12/4917c2017-04-151
10 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights2/210c2024-08-051
10 ball sync fountain5/4120c2017-06-042
11 ball cascade14/2913c2017-04-151
12 ball sync fountain8/1412c2017-04-151
Dave Leahy's Recent Solo Records
7 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights61c2024-08-132024-08-14-
6 ball async fountain with 1 kg wrist weights160c2024-08-132024-08-14-
7 ball cascade297c2024-08-112024-08-12
So close, pattern feels great recently just need better stamina
7 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights47c2024-08-062024-08-06-
7 ball cascade263c2024-08-062024-08-06-
10 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights10c2024-08-052024-08-06-
9 ball cascade with 0.5 kg wrist weights15c2024-08-052024-08-06-
8 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights23c2024-08-052024-08-06-
7 ball cascade with 0.5 kg wrist weights101c2024-08-052024-08-06
Conditions pretty horrible out
6 ball async fountain with 0.5 kg wrist weights208c2024-08-052024-08-06-
+ View all of Dave Leahy's records
Dave Leahy's Team Patterns
Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield15 ball 1 count 2/661pc2022-04-101
Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield17 ball 1 count 1/439pc2019-07-131
Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield18 ball 1 count 2/429pc2019-08-111
Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield19 ball 1 count2/224pc2019-07-131
Dave Leahy, Tom Whitfield22 ball 1 count 1/222pc2019-07-131
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