

Hey I like to juggle and stuff! Just starting out with clubs 😄

vanjonsson has been juggling for 20 years and 10 months.

Combined flashed: 17
Combined qualified: 16

Reputation: 99%
Country: Sweden
Joined: 2015-03-21

vanjonsson's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 3
 - 6
 - 3

vanjonsson's solo records stats

vanjonsson's Badges (63)

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vanjonsson's Videos

vanjonsson's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand 40 with a ball spin on free hand5/722c2016-12-061
2 ball 1 hand async fountain13/10711m 15s2018-04-272
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles14/37113c2018-11-2710
3 ball (4,4)(4x,0)* in outside throws4/82m 6s2017-01-231
3 ball 1 hand 80409/2156c2018-12-074
3 ball 1 hand async fountain9/771m 39s (207c)2018-12-0411
3 ball 1 hand columns4/131m 5s2018-04-244
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade 2/112m 20s (354c)2018-10-304
3 ball 423 in outside throws with clawed catches5/769c2017-01-161
3 ball 423 with clawed catches13/1336c2017-01-161
3 ball 4414/9013m 9s2018-09-292
3 ball 522 2/2310m (3150c)2016-10-231
3 ball 522 in outside throws5/71m2016-12-281
3 ball 5319/694m 18s2016-10-152
3 ball 1234513/272m2016-12-062
3 ball 50505 in outside throws 1/32m 18s (580c)2018-03-131
3 ball 5251216/272m 33s2018-09-122
3 ball 555006/294m 14s2016-12-051
3 ball backcrosses41/6447c2017-01-184
3 ball boston mess7/193m 1s2017-01-161
3 ball box5/717m 34s2011-03-032
3 ball box in penguin catches4/558c2018-12-042
3 ball cascade blind9/571m 46s2018-09-213
3 ball cascade in behind the neck throws19/209c2017-02-067
3 ball cascade in overheads8/432m 35s2018-04-242
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head30/345c2018-11-273
3 ball cascade with arms crossed6/163m 18s2018-12-042
3 ball cascade with forked catches 3/834c2018-09-213
3 ball cascade with penguin catches7/30174c2018-10-062
3 ball high low shower5/282m 15s2018-09-112
3 ball mills mess5/12319m 45s2018-10-011
3 ball mills mess blind6/1133c2018-05-153
3 ball reverse cascade13/1208m 40s2017-01-231
3 ball reverse cascade with arms crossed8/181m 52s2018-10-312
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches8/131m2016-12-281
3 ball reverse mills mess5/590c2018-09-111
3 ball shower blind13/2036c2016-12-022
3 ball windmill4/269m 38s (1806c)2018-09-302
3 club 42312/281m 34s (164c)2018-12-074
3 club 44133/3999c2018-12-076
3 club 53119/2316c2018-10-234
3 club 44409/1227c2018-12-071
3 club 5550014/1627c2018-12-072
3 club backcrosses21/222c2018-12-042
3 club cascade in doubles68/7229c2018-12-041
3 club cascade in flats44/6356c2018-12-043
3 club cascade in halfs16/20122c2018-12-043
3 club cascade in singles56/1307m 41s2018-09-181
3 club cascade in singles isolated5/1711m 40s2018-11-271
3 club shower20/3288c2018-12-072
4 ball (6,2x)(6,2x)*10/15112c2018-09-282
4 ball (6x,2x) half shower10/1660c2018-12-042
4 ball 1 hand async fountain19/6529c2018-10-175
4 ball 1 hand [44]06/950c2018-04-273
4 ball 33[33] 3/1612m 56s (3880c)2018-10-231
4 ball 33[33] in outside throws6/81m 15s2016-12-281
4 ball 53 half shower14/432m 2s2018-09-284
4 ball 345 mills mess variation4/101m 3s (276c)2016-10-021
4 ball 453 mills mess variation4/545c2016-10-021
4 ball 5349/774m 48s2016-10-073
4 ball 534 mills mess variation22/2536c2016-10-021
4 ball 5525/544m 34s2016-10-011
4 ball 6157/32468c2017-01-054
4 ball 63328/59138c2018-09-287
4 ball 71420/2333c2018-09-281
4 ball 7506/820c2018-09-283
4 ball 55515/565m 19s (1460c)2018-12-012
4 ball 66319/1536c2018-10-021
4 ball 744112/29132c2018-10-022
4 ball 753139/5525c2016-12-022
4 ball 555507/413m 18s2016-10-021
4 ball 7441416/2065c2018-10-302
4 ball 6666005/221m 23s (216c)2018-09-283
4 ball 915171 shower8/824c2016-12-041
4 ball 70707075/1537c2018-03-131
4 ball async fountain41/1749m 58s2016-10-012
4 ball async fountain blind12/2810c2016-09-231
4 ball async fountain in overheads16/37198c2016-10-073
4 ball async fountain with arms crossed4/1044c2018-09-113
4 ball async fountain with arms crossed 2/418c2018-04-242
4 ball async fountain with penguin catches9/1319c2018-04-283
4 ball box11/1656c2018-09-281
4 ball columns4/283m 26s (824c)2018-10-032
4 ball high low shower34/3724c2016-12-041
4 ball mills mess5/643m 58s (976c)2018-09-115
4 ball shower18/821m 11s (392c)2017-09-191
4 ball sprung cascade21/2998c2016-12-036
4 ball sync fountain12/1316m2016-10-021
4 club async fountain in doubles84/9627c2018-12-072
4 club sync fountain in doubles48/518c2018-11-301
4 ring async fountain69/8536c2018-09-251
5 ball (6x,4)*52/74111c2018-09-264
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower25/3585c2018-09-262
5 ball ([44x],2)*5/81m 5s2016-12-041
5 ball ([44x],2)* in outside throws 1/31m 23s2016-12-041
5 ball 1 hand async fountain21/477c2018-04-242
5 ball 6415/1627c2016-12-022
5 ball 64526/751m 11s2018-09-118
5 ball 645 mills mess variation3/312c2016-10-081
5 ball 74452/88102c2018-09-113
5 ball 77117/35129c2017-02-074
5 ball 6666114/52131c2016-10-071
5 ball 74455558/884c2016-12-021
5 ball 777770011/1520c2016-12-041
5 ball cascade70/2436m 24s (1730c)2017-01-1911
5 ball cascade blind19/193c2018-04-243
5 ball cascade in overheads20/3629c2016-12-023
5 ball cascade isolated17/281m 52s (480c)2018-09-181
5 ball mills mess8/441m 20s (400c)2011-09-107
5 ball reverse cascade7/581m 24s (385c)2016-10-245
5 ball shower21/73124c2017-09-191
5 ball tennis14/1640c2017-01-132
5 ball [33][33]38/13220c2016-12-041
5 ball [33][33]3 in outside throws 2/5310c2018-10-062
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)18/2514c2018-09-212
6 ball ([44],[44])(4,4) 3/13128c2017-04-191
6 ball 44[44][44]5/778c2017-04-191
6 ball 759/1635c2018-09-112
6 ball 75639/5315c2018-09-254
6 ball 884412/126c2017-11-072
6 ball 756662/220c2018-09-252
6 ball 777727/1755c2017-01-272
6 ball 77777111/3466c2018-09-112
6 ball 75666662/237c2018-09-254
6 ball 77777709/2430c2018-09-213
6 ball async fountain37/166280c2017-09-266
6 ball async fountain in outside throws 2/940c2018-10-022
6 ball async fountain isolated5/20196c2018-09-181
6 ball mills mess7/1218c2011-06-271
6 ball sync fountain20/91106c2017-10-243
6 ball sync fountain isolated5/1275c2018-09-181
6 ball wimpy40/5848c2018-09-181
6 ball wimpy isolated11/1342c2018-09-181
6 ball [33]8/342m 17s2018-02-133
6 ball [33] mills mess variation4/1054c2017-10-242
6 ball [333][33]3 2/429c2018-02-131
7 ball 86725/253c2017-01-171
7 ball cascade83/185117c2016-09-3010
7 ball cascade isolated7/22114c2018-12-042
7 ball reverse cascade9/1622c2018-05-153
8 ball async fountain62/12920c2011-07-192
8 ball sync fountain16/7518c2018-04-175
8 ball [44]13/2333c2018-04-174
9 ball cascade58/11916c2018-03-208
Longest time with a club balanced on the head15/314m 48s2018-11-131
Most connected 3 club 3 up 360s5/812018-11-231
Most connected 5 ball 3 up 360s 1/17322017-06-091
Most connected 5 ball 5 up 360s10/2012017-03-211
vanjonsson's Recent Solo Records
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles101c2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 club 444027c2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 club 4231m 34s (164c)2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 club 44199c2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 club 5550027c2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 club shower88c2018-12-072018-12-07-
3 ball 1 hand 804056c2018-12-072018-12-07-
4 club async fountain in doubles27c2018-12-072018-12-08-
3 ball 1 hand async fountain1m 39s (207c)2018-12-042018-12-04-
3 ball box in penguin catches58c2018-12-042018-12-04-
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