
Bartek Wojtas

Iam Bartek from Poland. I juggle since 2017.

Combined flashed: 20
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Country: Poland
Joined: 2023-01-30

Bartek Wojtas's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 6
 - 4
 - 2

Bartek Wojtas's solo records stats

Bartek Wojtas's Badges (52)

View Bartek Wojtas's badge progress
Bartek Wojtas's Solo Patterns
3 ball (4,4)(4,0)6/20665c2023-01-301
3 ball (6,0)(4x,2x) 3/6188c2023-01-312
3 ball 3 half shower25/1174m 30s2018-06-051
3 ball 423 in overheads8/951c2022-12-241
3 ball 3171 in overheads3/35c2023-02-051
3 ball backcrosses34/6459c2021-10-271
3 ball backcrosses on a unicycle 1/26c2023-06-182
3 ball box22/702m2023-01-301
3 ball box blind9/1412c2023-01-301
3 ball box with clawed catches3/318c2023-03-051
3 ball cascade77/17611m 3s2023-01-301
3 ball cascade in overheads17/43208c2022-12-241
3 ball mills mess37/1212m 33s2019-11-011
3 ball shower in overheads7/812c2022-12-241
3 ball shower with clawed catches4/421c2023-03-051
3 bounce ball force cascade10/1160c2023-01-061
3 bounce ball force shower5/617c2023-01-061
3 club 441 on a rola bola4/5102c2023-03-081
3 club 53116/2128c2022-06-261
3 club cascade in doubles32/711m 34s2022-08-301
3 club cascade in flats41/6131c2023-02-081
3 club cascade in singles51/1298m 8s2023-01-301
3 club cascade on a unicycle9/1165c2022-09-221
3 club chops in singles14/2455c2023-07-181
3 club mills mess in flats6/921c2023-07-201
3 club mills mess in singles24/3346c2022-08-011
4 ball (8,8)(2x,2x)(2x,2x)4/416c2023-01-301
4 ball ([44x],2)(2,4x)5/8255c2023-01-301
4 ball ([44],4)(0,4)5/5101c2020-02-121
4 ball 1 hand (6,6)(6,0)(6,0)4/427c2023-01-301
4 ball 33[33]4/164m 24s2023-01-061
4 ball 63343/5921c2023-01-301
4 ball 753124/5465c2023-01-301
4 ball 633443/384c2023-05-231
4 ball 8333310/1515c2023-05-232
4 ball 833451 2/46c2023-05-231
4 ball a4414415/87c2023-03-051
4 ball scissors6/68c2023-03-191
4 ball shower49/82110c2023-01-051
4 club 53 on a unicycle 1/222c2023-08-111
4 club 53421/3728c2023-02-192
4 club 64514/516c2023-07-161
4 club async fountain in doubles63/9477c2022-08-221
4 club async fountain in doubles on a unicycle 1/480c2023-07-185
4 club async fountain in flat fronts10/126c2023-05-201
4 club mills mess in singles 3/922c2023-09-123
4 club shower in triples12/178c2022-12-141
4 ring 633 2/636c2023-03-292
5 ball (6,4x)*22/3755c2023-06-141
5 ball (6x,4)*38/74152c2023-08-101
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower11/35230c2023-06-141
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower isolated3/395c2023-06-141
5 ball 64519/741m 15s2023-08-261
5 ball 74445/8784c2023-07-312
5 ball 75324/4460c2023-05-281
5 ball 753 mills mess variation2/218c2023-07-011
5 ball 744511/1248c2023-05-281
5 ball 77339/1728c2023-08-271
5 ball 6666133/5235c2022-12-241
5 ball 75625 2/348c2023-07-073
5 ball 9444424/3920c2023-07-311
5 ball 9753132/7340c2023-07-303
5 ball 6637445/512c2023-05-092
5 ball 86426453/318c2023-08-271
5 ball 647933531/116c2023-07-011
5 ball 744666614/48c2023-03-201
5 ball backcrosses16/3612c2023-05-283
5 ball cascade97/2374m 7s2023-03-102
5 ball cascade in overheads23/3517c2022-12-241
5 ball cascade on a rola bola9/1566c2023-01-061
5 ball cascade on a unicycle 1/380c2023-06-122
5 ball mills mess27/4427c2023-06-241
5 ball mills mess isolated3/327c2023-06-241
5 ball shower48/7326c2022-12-231
5 bounce ball force cascade 2/35c2023-01-061
5 club 74416/249c2023-06-222
5 club cascade in doubles63/12177c2023-06-215
5 club cascade in singles26/3410c2023-06-281
5 club cascade in triples22/3015c2023-06-302
5 club cascade on a unicycle 1/325c2023-07-124
5 ring cascade49/9282c2023-03-292
6 ball (8x,6)(4,6x)*4/712c2023-09-021
6 ball 6 on a unicycle 1/350c2023-06-145
6 ball 75 half shower33/6165c2023-05-101
6 ball 75628/5348c2023-08-202
6 ball 756 isolated4/415c2023-08-231
6 ball 756 on a unicycle1/16c2023-08-101
6 ball 77416/2724c2023-09-041
6 ball 85516/3557c2023-08-232
6 ball 88448/1232c2023-05-261
6 ball 97536/1220c2023-08-133
6 ball 77777112/3432c2023-02-282
6 ball async fountain79/16490c2023-03-102
6 ball b9753121/466c2023-07-301
6 ball shower28/4510c2023-07-071
6 ball sync fountain47/9024c2022-09-231
6 club 75 in triple, double24/337c2023-06-261
6 club async fountain in triples22/6117c2023-08-165
7 ball 96619/3315c2023-05-093
7 ball 9757/136c2023-09-061
7 ball cascade94/18468c2023-05-093
8 ball a775/56c2023-08-231
8 ball async fountain50/12811c2023-03-191
8 ball sync fountain17/7412c2023-02-242
9 ball cascade43/1189c2023-03-101
Bartek Wojtas's Recent Solo Records
4 club mills mess in singles22c2023-09-122023-09-12-
7 ball 9756c2023-09-062023-09-06-
6 ball 77424c2023-09-042023-09-04-
6 ball (8x,6)(4,6x)*12c2023-09-022023-09-02-
5 ball 864264518c2023-08-272023-08-27-
5 ball 773328c2023-08-272023-08-27-
5 ball 6451m 15s2023-08-262023-08-26-
6 ball 85557c2023-08-232023-08-23-
8 ball a776c2023-08-232023-08-23-
6 ball 756 isolated15c2023-08-232023-08-23-
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