

I'm a hobby juggler living in Trier. I mainly juggle clubs. At the moment I work on 5 Clubs 5 6 Balls.

AlexBrown has been juggling for 5 years.

Combined flashed: 20
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2024-05-22

AlexBrown is participating in the following leagues:
The Numbers League

AlexBrown's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 19
 - 4
 - 2
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 651

AlexBrown's solo records stats

AlexBrown's Badges (84)

View AlexBrown's badge progress

AlexBrown's Videos

AlexBrown's Passing Teams

AlexBrown is a member of the passing teams: AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude, AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude, Daniel Georgiev.
AlexBrown's Solo Patterns
1 ball 7000000 3/451c2024-08-151
1 club 14/6190c2024-08-151
1 club 1 blind 3/4148c2024-08-151
1 club 300 in singles 1/56m2024-08-151
1 club 50000 in doubles 1/4101c2024-08-151
1 club 50000 in doubles isolated 1/3101c2024-08-151
1 ring 13/331c2024-08-151
1 ring 1 blind3/314c2024-08-151
1 ring 300 1/3200c2024-08-151
1 ring 300 isolated 1/3200c2024-08-151
1 ring 50000 1/2137c2024-08-151
1 ring 50000 isolated 1/2100c2024-08-151
2 ball 1 hand async fountain41/109368c2024-06-021
2 ball 711111 1/2252c2024-08-161
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles8/372m 30s (204c)2024-06-062
2 ring 1 hand async fountain10/49210c2024-08-152
2 ring 1 hand async fountain in outside throws8/1162c2024-08-151
2 ring 1 hand columns6/14104c2024-08-151
2 ring 330 1/49m 5s2024-08-151
2 ring 330 in pancakes2/26c2024-08-151
2 ring 330 in pancakes isolated2/26c2024-08-151
2 ring 330 isolated 1/59m 5s2024-08-151
2 ring 5014/434c2024-08-151
2 ring 55000 1/22m 38s2024-08-151
2 ring 55000 isolated 1/22m 38s2024-08-151
3 ball 1 hand async fountain46/7847c2024-11-132
3 ball 1 hand columns13/136c2024-08-021
3 ball 3 half shower49/122312c2024-06-012
3 ball 3607/968c2024-12-0763
3 ball 42338/81304c2024-06-021
3 ball 44155/92192c2024-06-041
3 ball 53128/69240c2024-10-223
3 ball 7117/924c2024-08-151
3 ball 441311/14280c2024-06-041
3 ball 5050521/29126c2024-05-302
3 ball 771111 2/4132c2024-08-224
3 ball 4414413 1/2112c2024-06-041
3 ball 6161601 1/290c2024-12-151
3 ball 77111177700001/1180c2024-09-292
3 ball cascade108/1858m 7s2024-06-212
3 ball cascade in overheads34/44100c2025-01-031
3 ball mills mess73/126195c2024-06-011
3 ball reverse cascade68/123191c2024-05-311
3 ball shower88/119112c2024-05-301
3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples17/246c2024-07-051
3 club 3 half shower13/18101c2024-06-081
3 club 333 in outside throws in singles 1/286c2024-07-051
3 club 423 in doubles 1/2243c2024-11-251
3 club 44121/40134c2024-11-251
3 club 522 in doubles3/3743c2024-10-051
3 club 50505 in doubles5/960c2024-08-232
3 club 555005/16411c2024-10-192
3 club 55500 in doubles4/12411c2024-10-191
3 club backcrosses18/223c2024-06-231
3 club backcrosses in doubles33/386c2024-07-192
3 club cascade in doubles6/7214m 23s (1214c)2024-10-074
3 club cascade in flats23/63163c2024-11-253
3 club cascade in overheads18/1812c2025-01-031
3 club cascade in singles42/13111m 35s2024-07-083
3 club cascade in singles isolated6/1711m 35s2024-07-081
3 club cascade in singles with a club balanced on the head 2/33c2024-09-221
3 club cascade in triples22/42100c2024-06-113
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head37/4511c2024-11-243
3 club reverse cascade in doubles9/12100c2024-06-221
3 club reverse cascade in singles16/23100c2024-06-051
3 club shower16/32100c2024-07-083
3 club tennis13/16100c2024-06-081
3 ring (0,4)(4,4)11/1158c2024-08-151
3 ring (4,0)(4,4)4/9172c2024-08-151
3 ring (4,2)4/71m 51s2024-08-151
3 ring 1 hand async fountain16/2514c2024-08-152
3 ring 3 half shower12/44171c2024-06-081
3 ring 42 1/21m 51s2024-08-151
3 ring 333 in pancakes isolated2/26c2024-08-151
3 ring 42323/2666c2024-08-151
3 ring 423 in outside throws8/1026c2024-08-151
3 ring 4415/26309c2024-11-302
3 ring 522 1/42223c2024-07-281
3 ring 522 isolated 1/2300c2024-07-281
3 ring 53117/1818c2024-11-302
3 ring 50505 2/7100c2024-07-282
3 ring 555005/12107c2024-07-282
3 ring 33355500 2/3126c2024-08-151
3 ring cascade38/94546c2024-06-031
3 ring cascade with a club balanced on the head13/155c2024-11-281
3 ring reverse cascade34/46104c2024-06-071
3 ring shower20/2244c2024-07-281
3 ring tennis16/20100c2024-06-081
4 ball 1 hand async fountain53/668c2024-07-122
4 ball 5318/26100c2024-07-031
4 ball 55240/56116c2024-05-301
4 ball 64232/3452c2024-07-252
4 ball 534411/15104c2024-08-142
4 ball 555141/58100c2024-08-111
4 ball 753147/558c2024-10-241
4 ball 5555035/43103c2024-07-042
4 ball 666201/1147c2024-10-242
4 ball 66660020/2323c2024-05-301
4 ball 7771113/324c2024-08-162
4 ball 707070715/168c2024-07-181
4 ball 66616066166021/140c2024-12-152
4 ball 535525551555507/736c2024-08-102
4 ball async fountain93/1782m 36s2024-07-253
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head31/314c2025-01-031
4 ball shower56/87100c2024-10-312
4 ball sync fountain72/132160c2024-06-011
4 ball wimpy26/3186c2024-12-281
4 club 55210/2077c2024-09-303
4 club 552 in doubles6/1277c2024-09-302
4 club 55550 in doubles4/1024c2024-05-231
4 club async fountain in doubles62/97101c2024-08-025
4 club sync fountain in doubles40/5450c2024-06-123
4 ring 5529/910c2024-07-101
4 ring 555507/916c2024-07-101
4 ring async fountain61/8570c2024-06-212
4 ring async fountain with a club balanced on the head10/126c2025-01-031
4 ring sync fountain15/54328c2024-11-304
5 ball 64574/757c2025-01-092
5 ball 6666145/5419c2025-01-091
5 ball 66666011/1315c2024-05-271
5 ball 7777116/712c2024-08-162
5 ball 70770772/26c2024-08-142
5 ball cascade200/24790c2024-07-053
5 ball shower66/7420c2024-10-312
5 club 64555 in triple, double, double, double, double1/15c2024-12-251
5 club cascade in doubles101/12717c2024-09-243
5 club cascade in doubles isolated11/1213c2024-11-281
5 ring cascade76/9623c2024-11-264
5 ring cascade isolated10/117c2024-11-281
6 ball 777777018/2412c2024-07-023
6 ball 77777707777714/412c2024-09-171
6 ball async fountain141/17014c2024-07-123
6 ball sync fountain62/9318c2024-10-043
6 ball wimpy50/5916c2025-01-032
6 club 75 in triple, double31/356c2024-12-251
6 club 77777702/25c2024-12-251
6 club async fountain in triples55/636c2024-07-052
6 ring async fountain65/748c2024-12-241
6 ring sync fountain29/4612c2024-12-023
7 ball cascade164/18614c2024-12-097
7 ball cascade isolated20/2314c2024-12-281
8 ball async fountain109/1299c2025-01-032
8 ball sync fountain48/7610c2025-01-094
8 ball wimpy48/599c2025-01-031
9 ball cascade120/1214c2024-12-021
Longest time with a head bounce14/1631b2025-01-031
AlexBrown's Recent Solo Records
5 ball 6457c2025-01-092025-01-09-
5 ball 6666119c2025-01-092025-01-09-
8 ball sync fountain10c2025-01-092025-01-09
8 ball sync fountain10c2025-01-082025-01-08-
6 ball wimpy16c2025-01-032025-01-03-
8 ball wimpy9c2025-01-032025-01-03-
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head4c2025-01-032025-01-03-
4 ring async fountain with a club balanced on the head6c2025-01-032025-01-03-
Longest time with a head bounce31b2025-01-032025-01-03-
8 ball async fountain9c2025-01-032025-01-03-
+ View all of AlexBrown's records
AlexBrown's Team Patterns
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude6 ball 1 count6/731pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude7 club 2 count doubles11/1143pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude7 ring 2 count5/528pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude8 ball 2 count6/619pc2024-05-302
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreude8 ring 2 count3/313pc2024-10-024
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 6 club 1 count1/131pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 7 club 2 count1/143pc2024-05-231
AlexBrown, AndyAndieFreudeMost catches in 1 minute of 7 ring 2 count1/128pc2024-05-232
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