
Luna Harran

Luna Harran has been juggling for 8 years and 4 months.

Combined flashed: 22
Combined qualified: 19

Reputation: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Joined: 2020-09-29

Luna Harran's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 1
 - 2
 - 4

Luna Harran's solo records stats

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Luna Harran's Groups

Luna Harran's is a member of the public groups: 5 ball juggling, Ball Numbers, Siteswap Surpreme.
Luna Harran's Solo Patterns
3 ball 44143/92270c2020-09-291
3 ball cascade114/1851200c2020-09-291
3 ball cascade blind23/58140c2023-02-251
3 ball inverted box13/1788c2020-09-291
3 ball mills mess35/126600c2020-09-291
3 ball shower34/119600c2020-09-291
3 ball shower in overheads5/840c2020-10-021
3 club cascade in flats43/6360c2023-03-132
4 ball (6x,4)(4,2x)4/10212c2020-10-051
4 ball 53 half shower22/43200c2021-01-271
4 ball 333[54]512/270c2020-10-081
4 ball 63336/59111c2020-10-021
4 ball 74113/30150c2021-01-271
4 ball 564149/11125c2020-10-051
4 ball 635518/14150c2020-10-051
4 ball 744148/20200c2021-01-271
4 ball 566151 3/5240c2023-11-112
4 ball 5717312/2120c2023-04-142
4 ball 5551633 3/6210c2020-10-052
4 ball 6366151 3/5168c2020-09-291
4 ball 751717312/2144c2023-04-141
4 ball async fountain blind17/288c2023-02-251
4 ball async fountain in overheads27/3772c2023-02-253
4 ball b1311/180c2023-11-122
4 ball high low shower6/37320c2023-11-112
4 ball mills mess29/65180c2023-02-252
4 ball sprung cascade18/29100c2021-01-271
4 ball two high one low shower5/11120c2023-11-113
4 ball [31]1/116c2023-02-251
4 club async fountain in doubles76/9760c2023-05-013
4 club async fountain in singles56/7140c2023-10-161
4 ring async fountain29/85400c2023-04-282
5 ball (6x,4)*44/75140c2023-10-241
5 ball 81717178 2/4128c2023-11-112
5 ball cascade123/247650c2024-08-223
5 ball cascade blind9/195c2020-10-141
5 ball shower18/74140c2023-04-181
5 club cascade in doubles106/12712c2023-03-162
5 club cascade in singles32/365c2023-10-161
5 ring cascade51/96100c2023-05-215
6 ball 54[54] 1/224c2023-10-242
6 ball async fountain70/170128c2023-10-166
6 ball shower17/4540c2024-03-093
6 ball [42t]1/136c2024-04-032
6 ball [43][43]41/130c2021-01-031
6 ball [43][43][44]5[33]31/120c2023-03-181
6 ball [44][44][11] 3/536c2021-01-042
6 ring async fountain53/7418c2024-03-314
7 ball cascade92/186100c2023-12-145
7 ball shower8/1514c2024-03-091
7 ball [43] 2/340c2023-05-216
7 ring cascade50/577c2023-05-201
8 ball async fountain55/12922c2024-04-027
8 ball wimpy44/5910c2020-10-061
8 ball [44]8/2480c2024-12-066
9 ball cascade69/12112c2023-12-144
9 ball [54]2/210c2023-05-211
10 ball async fountain27/4910c2023-12-171
10 ball [55]5/810c2024-12-011
Luna Harran's Recent Solo Records
8 ball [44]80c2024-12-062024-12-07-
10 ball [55]10c2024-12-012024-12-01-
5 ball cascade650c2024-08-222024-08-22-
6 ball [42t]36c2024-04-032024-04-03-
8 ball async fountain22c2024-04-022024-04-02-
6 ring async fountain18c2024-03-312024-03-31-
8 ball async fountain20c2024-03-302024-03-31-
6 ball shower40c2024-03-092024-03-09
20 high throws
7 ball shower14c2024-03-092024-03-09
7 high throws
6 ball shower32c2023-12-172023-12-17-
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