

I am a group and solo juggler from a circus school in Moscow

Dimajuggler has been juggling for 6 years and 9 months.

Combined flashed: 26
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 98%
Country: Russian Federation
Joined: 2020-11-22

Dimajuggler's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 7
 - 17
 - 12

Dimajuggler's solo records stats

Dimajuggler's Badges (71)

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Dimajuggler's Videos

Dimajuggler's Passing Teams

Dimajuggler is a member of the passing teams: Daria_juggler, Dimajuggler, Daria_juggler, Dimajuggler, Of_thehead, Dimajuggler, Of_thehead.
Dimajuggler's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand columns with clawed catches5/10156c2020-11-271
2 ball 1 hand in shoulder throws7/116c2021-02-231
2 ring 1 hand columns7/14100c2020-12-051
3 ball 1 hand async fountain8/781m 55s2021-06-201
3 ball 3 isolated with a head bounce 1/2174c2024-02-212
3 ball cascade40/18540m2021-05-082
3 ball cascade in overheads with a club balanced on the head 3/563c2024-02-121
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head6/342m 55s2024-02-121
3 ball cascade with a head bounce 1/96m 8s2024-03-042
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches isolated7/976c2020-12-051
3 ball shower blind9/2082c2020-11-231
3 ball shower isolated4/85m 2s2021-05-101
3 ball shower with a club balanced on the head 2/103m 49s (454c)2024-02-111
3 club boston mess7/728c2020-12-061
3 club cascade in doubles52/72100c2020-11-291
3 club cascade in doubles with arms crossed 3/431c2020-12-071
3 club cascade in halfs 3/206m 20s2021-06-141
3 club cascade in overheads in flats9/98c2020-12-061
3 club cascade isolated with a club balanced on the head 2/5386c2024-02-111
3 club cascade on a rola bola 2/1010m 20s2024-02-111
3 club cascade with a head bounce 2/61m 28s2024-02-122
3 club head rolls3/33c2020-12-061
3 club mills mess in doubles7/822c2020-12-051
3 club shower in flat fronts 3/9300c2020-12-072
3 ring 1 hand async fountain5/251m 6s2021-06-202
3 ring 423 in pancakes 1/5152c2024-02-112
3 ring 441 in pancakes 2/491c2024-02-112
3 ring 531 in pancakes 2/615c2024-02-121
3 ring cascade in pancakes with a ring balanced on the head 2/325c2024-02-121
3 ring cascade on a rola bola 2/88m 30s2024-02-111
3 ring cascade with a club balanced on the head 3/15267c2024-02-111
3 ring cascade with a head bounce 2/31m 15s2024-02-121
3 ring chops 2/5102c2020-11-262
3 ring mills mess in pancakes 1/342c2024-02-121
3 ring reverse cascade in pancakes 2/11198c2020-11-262
3 ring shower8/22230c2020-12-051
3 ring shower in pancakes 3/59c2021-05-102
3 ring treblas 3/51c2020-12-061
4 ball 1 hand async fountain28/6618c2020-11-221
4 ball 53 3/264m 32s2024-02-111
4 ball 53 half shower6/433m 38s2020-12-071
4 ball 53 with a head bounce3/342c2024-02-131
4 ball async fountain38/17812m 24s2020-11-261
4 ball async fountain blind22/286c2020-12-051
4 ball async fountain in outside throws6/272m 30s2021-05-082
4 ball async fountain in overheads20/37142c2024-02-121
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head9/31148c2024-03-111
4 ball async fountain with a head bounce 1/71m 22s2024-03-044
4 ball async fountain with arms crossed7/1026c2020-12-061
4 ball async fountain with arms crossed 2/418c2020-12-061
4 ball columns 3/284m2020-12-071
4 ball columns with clawed catches7/734c2020-11-231
4 ball mills mess isolated5/591c2020-12-072
4 ball shower20/871m 10s2020-12-071
4 ball shower with a club balanced on the head 3/451c2024-03-111
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws6/17204c2020-11-251
4 ball sync fountain in outside throws with clawed catches5/717c2020-11-271
4 ball sync fountain with a club balanced on the head6/11112c2024-03-111
4 ball sync fountain with a head bounce 2/5202c2024-02-132
4 ball wimpy11/312m 2s2024-02-131
4 ball windmill10/1657c2020-11-261
4 club async fountain in outside throws5/65c2020-11-271
4 club async fountain in singles20/712m 5s2024-02-121
4 club async fountain in triples12/20121c2021-04-021
4 ring async fountain18/854m 20s2020-11-221
4 ring mills mess3/313c2020-12-051
4 ring shower5/930c2020-12-051
4 ring sync fountain in overheads2/24c2020-12-061
4 ring sync fountain with a head bounce 2/342c2024-02-121
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower9/35302c2024-02-121
5 ball 5 half shower25/37100c2020-12-051
5 ball cascade48/24710m 13s2023-05-172
5 ball cascade on a rola bola8/151m 25s2024-02-111
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head11/41124c2024-03-051
5 ball cascade with a head bounce5/950c2024-02-131
5 ball reverse cascade17/57154c2024-02-112
5 ball reverse cascade isolated4/6194c2024-02-111
5 ball shower44/7470c2024-02-121
5 club cascade in doubles43/1271m 2s2024-03-012
5 club cascade in quads 3/435c2024-03-141
5 club cascade in triples10/30106c2024-03-011
5 club cascade with a club balanced on the head6/1416c2024-02-141
5 ring cascade25/961m 20s2020-11-221
5 ring cascade with a head bounce4/616c2024-02-241
6 ball 75 half shower27/61102c2024-02-261
6 ball async fountain54/170184c2024-03-171
6 ball async fountain with a head bounce5/610c2024-02-241
6 ball shower28/4521c2024-02-273
6 ball sync fountain in outside throws 2/310c2020-11-271
6 ball wimpy13/59246c2024-02-172
6 ball [33]7/34680c2024-02-111
6 ball [33] in outside throws 3/774c2020-11-301
6 ball [33] mills mess variation 2/1086c2020-11-251
6 club async fountain in triples46/6311c2023-06-181
6 ring async fountain32/7464c2024-02-121
6 ring sync fountain13/4684c2024-02-121
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower17/3540c2024-03-111
7 ball cascade52/186222c2024-02-286
7 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head10/1213c2024-02-281
7 ball cascade with a head bounce5/67c2024-02-241
7 club cascade in triples44/557c2023-06-171
8 ball async fountain94/12912c2020-11-251
8 ball wimpy50/598c2020-12-051
8 ring async fountain37/4810c2020-11-291
8 ring sync fountain24/318c2020-12-051
8 ring [44] 2/315c2020-12-051
9 ball cascade73/12111c2024-02-062
9 ring cascade18/329c2023-06-051
10 ball sync fountain19/4110c2023-06-121
10 ball [55]5/810c2020-10-201
Longest time with 2 balls in head bounce 1/414b2024-03-042
Longest time with a club balanced on the head25/311m 30s2020-11-251
Longest time with a head bounce 1/161h 1m (6960b)2023-04-282
Longest time with a head bounce isolated1/16m 5s2024-02-132
Dimajuggler's Recent Solo Records
6 ball async fountain184c2024-03-172024-03-17-
5 club cascade in quads35c2024-03-142024-03-14-
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head148c2024-03-112024-03-11-
4 ball sync fountain with a club balanced on the head112c2024-03-112024-03-11-
4 ball shower with a club balanced on the head51c2024-03-112024-03-11-
7 ball cascade40c2024-03-112024-03-11-
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower40c2024-03-112024-03-11-
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head124c2024-03-052024-03-05-
3 ball cascade with a head bounce6m 8s2024-03-042024-03-04-
4 ball async fountain with a head bounce1m 22s2024-03-042024-03-04-
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