
Erik Toll

17 year old Swedish juggler. Mostly doing numbers.

Erik Toll has been juggling for 6 years and 6 months.

Combined flashed: 28
Combined qualified: 24

Reputation: 100%
Country: Sweden
Joined: 2022-07-24

Erik Toll is participating in the following leagues:
The Numbers League

Erik Toll's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 13
 - 5
 - 5
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 651

Erik Toll's solo records stats

Erik Toll's Badges (82)

View Erik Toll's badge progress

Erik Toll's Videos

Erik Toll's Solo Patterns
2 club 1 hand async fountain 3/176m 1s2019-09-231
3 ball 1 hand 60 blind behind the back1/121c2024-12-151
3 ball cascade7/1852h 14s2019-08-111
3 ball cascade blind behind the back 1/3321m 50s2024-11-2411
3 bounce ball lift cascade 1/122h 2m 6s2019-12-171
3 club cascade in doubles15/724m 24s2020-09-221
3 club cascade in singles4/1312h 3m 15s2020-07-171
3 ring cascade7/9451m 42s2019-09-121
4 ball 1 hand async fountain10/6658c2022-08-022
4 ball async fountain 2/1781h 30m 21s2020-06-251
4 ball async fountain blind behind the back 1/619m 50s2024-11-2415
4 ball mills mess14/651m 30s2024-05-191
4 club async fountain blind 1/516c2020-03-271
4 club async fountain in singles 3/7126m 40s2020-01-261
4 ring async fountain8/8510m 22s2022-07-241
5 ball 1 hand async fountain6/4717c2022-03-121
5 ball cascade42/24611m 27s2020-10-241
5 ball cascade blind behind the back 1/112m 45s2024-12-0820
5 ball cascade pinball 1/5398c2024-12-156
5 bounce ball lift cascade 2/185m 12s2020-10-121
5 club cascade in doubles46/1271m2022-02-112
6 ball 1 hand async fountain6/2110c2023-12-292
6 ball async fountain17/1702m (553c)2024-05-123
6 ball async fountain blind behind the back 1/417c2024-10-314
6 ball async fountain pinball2/221c2025-01-052
6 club async fountain in triples34/6314c2023-07-012
6 ring async fountain28/7487c2022-01-251
7 ball 1 hand async fountain4/107c2023-08-161
7 ball cascade19/1861m 32s (469c)2024-07-023
7 ball cascade pinball2/27c2025-01-051
7 club cascade in triples43/559c2021-07-142
7 ring cascade25/5731c2022-07-313
8 ball async fountain4/129112c2024-06-065
8 ball wimpy7/59126c2024-12-1514
8 ring async fountain40/488c2020-10-181
8 ring sync fountain18/3110c2022-10-081
9 ball cascade7/12175c2024-05-149
9 ball reverse cascade 2/39c2020-07-031
9 ring cascade32/322c2024-07-051
10 ball async fountain 3/4929c2024-07-179
10 ball wimpy6/2120c2022-06-241
11 ball cascade 2/2923c2023-09-038
12 ball ([66],[66]) 1/212c2024-03-301
12 ball async fountain 3/1115c2024-04-125
12 ball sync fountain 1/1416c2024-07-075
12 ball wimpy 1/818c2024-08-213
12 ball [66] 1/212c2024-03-301
13 ball cascade 1/815c2024-12-157
14 ball sync fountain 2/69c2024-07-015
Most consecutive 9 ball flashes 1/14272023-07-011
Most consecutive 11 ball flashes 3/442024-04-072
Erik Toll's Recent Solo Records
6 ball async fountain pinball21c2025-01-052025-01-05-
7 ball cascade pinball7c2025-01-052025-01-05-
6 ball async fountain pinball12c2025-01-042025-01-05-
3 ball 1 hand 60 blind behind the back21c2024-12-152024-12-15-
5 ball cascade pinball398c2024-12-152024-12-15-
13 ball cascade15c2024-12-152024-12-15
Tied wr :D

8 ball wimpy126c2024-12-152024-12-21
150 feels even more doable :D

5 ball cascade pinball191c2024-12-142024-12-15-
5 ball cascade blind behind the back2m 45s2024-12-082024-12-08-
5 ball cascade pinball151c2024-12-012024-12-01-
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