

Juggling saved my life, now is my passion and activism is my purpose. Veganism is justice.

Combined flashed: 7
Combined qualified: 7

Reputation: 100%
Country: Chile
Joined: 2024-01-24

daniel_ortunho's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 2
 - 2
 - 3

daniel_ortunho's solo records stats

daniel_ortunho's Badges (36)

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daniel_ortunho's Passing Teams

daniel_ortunho is a member of the passing team: Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho.
daniel_ortunho's Solo Patterns
3 ball 53138/69150c2024-10-311
3 ball 753001/1105c2024-10-311
3 ball 771111 3/4108c2024-11-106
3 ball 7770000 1/225c2024-10-311
3 ball backcrosses19/64126c2024-06-081
3 ball box25/72444c2024-11-031
3 ball cascade blind behind the back26/3356c2024-10-303
3 ball cascade in behind the neck throws20/202c2024-11-032
3 ball cascade in half contortionist9/106c2024-11-031
3 ball cascade with penguin catches22/3036c2024-08-032
3 ball inverted box14/1675c2024-07-011
3 ball reverse backcrosses5/1131c2024-08-177
3 ball reverse shoulder throws4/9105c2024-11-105
4 ball 1 hand async fountain53/668c2024-11-082
4 ball 53469/7775c2024-11-084
4 ball 555149/5740c2024-11-092
4 ball 753116/55132c2024-01-026
4 ball 6161615/1650c2024-09-283
4 ball 915171 shower7/8102c2024-08-314
4 ball 707070711/1616c2024-11-172
4 ball async fountain73/1744m 11s2024-10-281
4 ball async fountain in outside throws13/27152c2024-10-281
4 ball boston mess5/636c2024-11-172
4 ball flo's mess 1/256c2024-09-291
4 ball high low shower12/37201c2024-08-176
4 ball high middle low shower10/1824c2024-08-254
4 ball mills mess54/6432c2024-09-291
4 ball sprung cascade22/2993c2024-08-102
4 ball sync fountain84/131104c2024-10-281
4 ball two high one low shower7/1134c2024-10-123
5 ball (4x,0)([44],[44])*7/820c2024-08-041
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,2)* 3/520c2024-10-051
5 ball (6x,6x)(6x,6x)(6x,0)* 3/520c2024-10-051
5 ball ([4x4x],[4x4x])(4x,0)*1/120c2024-09-212
5 ball 64574/756c2024-08-042
5 ball 75344/456c2024-10-061
5 ball 6666143/5325c2024-09-082
5 ball 7272711/1212c2024-11-091
5 ball 9753154/7410c2024-11-103
5 ball cascade180/243161c2024-09-283
5 ball shower45/7466c2024-10-066
6 ball 7777212/1716c2024-11-091
6 ball 777777012/2418c2024-09-211
6 ball async fountain128/16827c2024-08-187
6 ball wimpy48/5920c2024-11-171
7 ball cascade156/18615c2024-11-018
Most 3 ball 3 up 720s in 1 minute 2/412024-11-171
Most connected 3 ball 3 up 360s13/2042024-09-051
Most connected 4 ball 4 up 360s12/1212024-09-152
Most connected 4 ball 4 up 360s in 7777000 2/312024-10-201
Most connected 5 ball 3 up 360s12/1712024-10-202
Most connected 5 ball 5 up 360s10/2012024-10-161
daniel_ortunho's Recent Solo Records
4 ball 7531104c2024-11-172024-11-17-
Most 3 ball 3 up 720s in 1 minute12024-11-172024-11-17-
4 ball boston mess36c2024-11-172024-11-17-
6 ball wimpy20c2024-11-172024-11-17-
4 ball 707070716c2024-11-172024-11-17
Both hand starting
4 ball 753176c2024-11-162024-11-16-
4 ball 70707078c2024-11-162024-11-16
left & right start
3 ball 77111178c2024-11-102024-11-11-
3 ball 771111108c2024-11-102024-11-11-
3 ball reverse shoulder throws105c2024-11-102024-11-11-
+ View all of daniel_ortunho's records
daniel_ortunho's Team Patterns
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho7 ball 1 count4/410pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho7 ball 2 count10/1018pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho9 ball 2 count3/315pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunho10 ball 1 count2/210pc2023-08-251
Cristian_Albornoz, daniel_ortunhoMost catches in 1 minute of 6 ball 2 count1/120pc2023-06-051
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