
Paco Garcia

Where are all the jugglers from Spain?

Paco Garcia has been juggling for 10 years.

Combined flashed: 15
Combined qualified: 15

Reputation: 100%
Country: Spain
Joined: 2021-01-08

Paco Garcia's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 0
 - 0
 - 1

Paco Garcia's solo records stats

Paco Garcia's Badges (50)

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Paco Garcia's Videos

Paco Garcia's Solo Patterns
3 ball 3 half shower56/1201m 12s2021-01-091
3 ball 42321/794m 5s2021-01-091
3 ball 44132/902m 10s2021-01-081
3 ball 53127/691m 5s2021-01-081
3 ball 4450210/101m 10s2021-01-091
3 ball box34/721m 5s2021-01-091
3 ball cascade70/18318m 20s2021-01-092
3 ball cascade in behind the neck throws18/2030c2021-01-081
3 ball cascade in overheads36/4381c2021-01-081
3 ball cascade with penguin catches20/3042c2021-01-091
3 ball mills mess75/1241m2021-01-081
3 ball reverse cascade34/1213m 25s2021-01-081
3 ball shower47/1171m 35s2021-01-081
3 ball shower with penguin catches7/728c2021-01-091
3 club 4418/40540c2021-01-091
3 club cascade in doubles31/721m 40s2021-01-081
3 club cascade in flats18/631m 50s2021-01-081
3 club cascade in singles62/1316m 48s2021-01-081
3 ring 44123/2691c2021-01-091
3 ring cascade25/895m 45s2021-01-091
4 ball 53455/77117c2021-01-091
4 ball 55220/551m 20s2021-01-091
4 ball 61526/3278c2021-01-091
4 ball async fountain90/1742m 35s2021-01-081
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head24/3025c2020-07-251
4 ball sync fountain35/1312m2021-01-081
4 club async fountain in singles61/7120c2021-01-081
4 ring async fountain56/8580c2021-01-091
4 ring async fountain in pancakes 3/181m 10s2017-02-141
4 ring sync fountain22/54156c2021-01-091
5 ball 64532/751m2020-02-211
5 ball cascade92/2435m2017-05-081
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head30/4110c2021-01-081
7 ball cascade107/18665c2020-08-101
Longest time with a club balanced on the head7/3110m2017-04-081
Most connected 3 ball 3 up 360s13/2042021-01-091
Paco Garcia's Recent Solo Records
3 ball cascade18m 20s2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 club 441540c2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ring 44191c2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ring cascade5m 45s2021-01-092021-01-09-
4 ring sync fountain156c2021-01-092021-01-09-
4 ring async fountain80c2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ball box1m 5s2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ball 4234m 5s2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ball 3 half shower1m 12s2021-01-092021-01-09-
3 ball cascade with penguin catches42c2021-01-092021-01-09-
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