
Christina-Anna Senser

Combined flashed: 16
Combined qualified: 15

Reputation: 100%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2023-08-05

Christina-Anna Senser is participating in the following leagues:
The Endurance League

Christina-Anna Senser's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 3
 - 1
 - 6
Position on overall leaderboard:
 of 645

Christina-Anna Senser's solo records stats

Christina-Anna Senser's Badges (46)

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Christina-Anna Senser's Videos

Christina-Anna Senser's Passing Teams

Christina-Anna Senser is a member of the passing team: Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber.
Christina-Anna Senser's Solo Patterns
3 ball 1 hand async fountain37/7762c2023-08-306
3 ball 441 in overheads8/924c2024-02-271
3 ball backcrosses49/6424c2023-08-213
3 ball box51/72128c2023-08-251
3 ball cascade89/18310m 47s2023-07-281
3 ball cascade laying down 3/164m 23s2023-08-241
3 ball flo's mess 3/4100c2023-10-151
3 ball tennis variation: 3 as a backcross, 3 as a normal and 3 as a normal 1/10315c2023-09-231
3 club 3 half shower17/1854c2024-01-121
3 club cascade with a club balanced on the head41/453c2024-01-061
4 ball (4x,6)(6,4x)(0,4)6/715c2024-03-171
4 ball (6,6)(6,6)(0,0) 1/17516c2023-09-121
4 ball (6x,4)(2,4x)13/1446c2024-01-102
4 ball (6x,4)(4,2x)9/1024c2024-01-102
4 ball (6x,4)(4,2x)*13/1436c2024-01-232
4 ball 53 2/241500c2023-08-151
4 ball 53431/77300c2024-02-273
4 ball 55218/55380c2023-08-191
4 ball 56118/2190c2024-02-273
4 ball 63354/5933c2023-09-111
4 ball 64210/331m 40s (262c)2023-12-312
4 ball 4642 3/7234c2023-12-312
4 ball 555117/57384c2023-08-234
4 ball 6424 3/9234c2023-12-311
4 ball 645112/1366c2023-09-112
4 ball 733319/2516c2023-09-111
4 ball 744119/2934c2024-01-032
4 ball 753142/5517c2023-09-111
4 ball 534446/11215c2023-09-112
4 ball 5551414/33210c2023-08-141
4 ball 566129/1064c2024-04-122
4 ball 6451412/19180c2023-12-313
4 ball 7441419/2020c2023-09-191
4 ball 7531422/2220c2024-03-171
4 ball 834415/610c2024-02-201
4 ball 66660018/2252c2024-07-061
4 ball 53633444/649c2023-09-151
4 ball 63373334/414c2024-03-101
4 ball 74416333/335c2024-01-292
4 ball 53552555155550 3/7174c2023-08-271
4 ball a4414415/87c2023-09-191
4 ball async fountain26/17416m 48s2024-01-141
4 ball mills mess48/6450c2024-07-203
4 ball shower72/8236c2023-08-301
4 ball sync fountain 3/13112m 10s2023-08-191
4 club 53436/376c2023-11-271
4 club 55216/2022c2024-04-291
4 club 555115/1912c2024-05-011
4 club 555507/98c2024-05-011
4 club async fountain in doubles61/96100c2023-11-271
4 club async fountain in singles65/7112c2024-07-201
4 ring async fountain49/85100c2024-01-291
5 ball (6,4x)*37/378c2024-03-101
5 ball (6x,4)*61/7472c2024-08-298
5 ball 5 half shower31/3860c2024-02-277
5 ball 6412/1650c2024-01-012
5 ball 64550/75108c2024-09-106
5 ball 66334/346c2024-01-281
5 ball 74467/8845c2024-06-296
5 ball 75340/4515c2024-06-153
5 ball 64555/520c2024-01-022
5 ball 773316/174c2024-01-291
5 ball 86428/93c2024-06-121
5 ball 645557/915c2024-01-021
5 ball 6666141/5335c2023-09-051
5 ball 756253/38c2024-02-181
5 ball 9444435/395c2023-11-101
5 ball 9753162/745c2023-12-281
5 ball 777770011/1520c2024-05-011
5 ball backcrosses36/381c2023-10-191
5 ball cascade84/2435m 21s2024-07-063
5 ball reverse cascade50/5824c2024-02-112
5 ball shower72/748c2024-07-131
5 club cascade in doubles108/12610c2024-08-022
6 ball 7516/166c2023-10-021
6 ball 777777018/2412c2024-05-012
6 ball async fountain114/16840c2024-09-217
6 ball sync fountain52/9224c2023-11-214
7 ball cascade177/1867c2024-05-012
Longest time with a club balanced on the head24/311m 35s2023-12-252
Most catches in 10 seconds of 3 ball 5312/248c2023-09-121
Most catches in 10 seconds of 4 ball 53 1/250c2023-09-121
Most connected 5 ball 3 up 360s12/1712023-09-281
Most consecutive 6 ball flashes9/972024-02-171
Christina-Anna Senser's Recent Solo Records
6 ball async fountain40c2024-09-212024-09-21-
5 ball 645108c2024-09-102024-09-10-
6 ball async fountain36c2024-09-062024-09-06-
5 ball 64575c2024-08-302024-08-30-
5 ball (6x,4)*72c2024-08-292024-08-30-
5 club cascade in doubles10c2024-08-022024-08-03-
4 ball mills mess50c2024-07-202024-07-20-
4 club async fountain in singles12c2024-07-202024-07-20-
5 ball shower8c2024-07-132024-07-13-
4 ball 66660052c2024-07-062024-07-07-
+ View all of Christina-Anna Senser's records
Christina-Anna Senser's Team Patterns
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber6 club 1 count singles 1/8276pc2023-08-051
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber6 club 2 count back to back 2/316pc2024-01-201
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber6 club 3 count singles 1/42m 26s (224pc)2023-08-051
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber7 ball 2 count4/10203pc2023-08-051
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber7 club 2 count doubles4/11246pc2023-10-172
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber7 club 2 count singles4/8128pc2024-01-192
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian Huber8 club 2 count doubles6/956pc2024-01-193
Christina-Anna Senser, Florian HuberMost catches in 1 minute of 6 club 2 count 1/2164pc2024-01-191
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