

Combined flashed: 18
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Country: Germany
Joined: 2017-01-18

Fabian's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 2
 - 5
 - 12

Fabian's solo records stats

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Fabian's Solo Patterns
2 club 1 hand async fountain4/175m 18s (421c)2017-02-051
2 club 1 hand async fountain in doubles4/375m 18s (421c)2017-02-051
2 club 1 hand async fountain in singles9/231m 3s (101c)2017-02-051
2 ring 1 hand async fountain 2/4915m 45s2017-01-191
3 ball 1 hand async fountain4/782m 40s (321c)2018-10-171
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade 3/111m 5s (148c)2018-10-211
3 ball 4417/929m 38s2017-05-091
3 ball box in penguin catches5/554c2017-05-091
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head5/343m 6s (401c)2017-02-101
3 ball cascade with arms crossed7/163m 5s (426c)2017-05-111
3 ball cascade with clawed catches5/306m 32s (980c)2017-02-091
3 ball mills mess with clawed catches5/839c2017-05-111
3 club 4238/283m 11s2017-05-111
3 club 44114/401m 15s (267c)2017-01-191
3 club 5314/242m 7s (342c)2017-05-141
3 club 50505 in doubles4/993c2017-05-111
3 club backcrosses 3/221m 45s (180c)2018-10-141
3 club backcrosses in doubles10/381m 45s (180c)2018-10-141
3 club backcrosses in singles16/37131c2018-10-141
3 club cascade in doubles4/7217m 55s2017-05-111
3 club cascade in halfs5/204m 45s2018-10-211
3 club cascade in singles23/13135m 45s2018-10-291
3 club cascade in singles isolated 2/1735m 45s2018-10-291
3 club tennis5/164m (468c)2017-05-111
3 ring (0,4)(4,4)4/113m 20s2018-10-141
3 ring (4,0)(4,4) 3/93m 20s2018-10-141
3 ring 1 hand async fountain 2/252m (214c)2018-10-141
3 ring 3 half shower6/442m 10s (262c)2018-10-141
3 ring 4237/26220c2018-10-141
3 ring 423 columns5/11220c2018-10-141
3 ring 4414/262m (378c)2017-01-191
3 ring 531 3/184m 11s (750c)2017-04-301
3 ring 50505 1/7222c2018-10-141
3 ring 55500 3/122m 53s (333c)2018-10-141
3 ring cascade in pancakes5/384m 31s2017-01-191
3 ring cascade with a club balanced on the head4/15223c2018-10-141
3 ring mills mess6/172m (285c)2018-10-141
3 ring reverse cascade7/463m 12s2018-10-141
3 ring shower6/22450c2018-10-141
3 ring windmill6/836c2018-10-141
4 ball (6x,2x) half shower 3/162m 10s (418c)2017-02-091
4 ball 33[33]11/16216c2018-10-211
4 ball 33[33] in outside throws7/81m 10s2018-10-211
4 ball 53 half shower4/434m 29s2017-05-091
4 ball 63310/591m 38s (327c)2018-10-171
4 ball 55519/583m 1s (736c)2018-10-142
4 ball 555145/333m 8s (675c)2017-05-091
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head5/31216c2018-10-212
4 ball sync fountain with a club balanced on the head5/11144c2018-10-171
4 ball two high one low shower8/1124c2018-10-171
4 ball wimpy8/313m 10s (540c)2017-02-091
4 club 536/243m 7s (478c)2017-02-051
4 club 534 2/372m 26s (396c)2017-02-101
4 club async fountain in doubles19/976m 50s2017-04-302
4 ring 535/91m 19s (204c)2017-04-301
4 ring 53 half shower4/71m 19s (204c)2017-04-301
4 ring 534 3/182m 34s (408c)2017-02-101
4 ring 5524/9238c2018-10-141
4 ring 555505/9156c2018-10-141
4 ring async fountain5/8513m 15s2018-10-141
4 ring async fountain in pancakes6/18103c2018-10-141
4 ring async fountain with a club balanced on the head5/1292c2017-02-051
4 ring shower4/9100c2018-10-141
4 ring sync fountain with a club balanced on the head 3/598c2018-10-141
5 ball cascade106/2471000c2018-12-151
5 ring (6x,4)*6/14162c2017-04-301
5 ring 64 3/568c2017-04-301
5 ring 6455/161m 31s (324c)2018-10-141
5 ring 7444/181m (216c)2017-02-201
6 ball async fountain isolated4/21219c2018-10-142
6 ball async fountain with clawed catches 1/624c2017-01-151
6 ball wimpy isolated 3/13226c2018-10-171
6 ring 754/890c2018-10-211
6 ring 75 half shower 2/490c2018-10-211
6 ring async fountain isolated 3/6164c2018-11-041
6 ring sync fountain12/4698c2017-02-261
7 ball cascade isolated5/23164c2018-10-171
7 ring cascade6/57100c2017-09-112
Longest time with a club balanced on the head13/315m 1s2018-10-211
Most connected 3 ring 3 up 360s 3/782018-10-141
Fabian's Recent Solo Records
5 ball cascade1000c2018-12-152018-12-15-
6 ring async fountain isolated164c2018-11-042018-11-04-
3 club cascade in singles35m 45s2018-10-292018-11-01-
3 club cascade in singles isolated35m 45s2018-10-292018-11-01-
Longest time with a club balanced on the head5m 1s2018-10-212018-10-21-
4 ball 33[33]216c2018-10-212018-10-21-
6 ring 7590c2018-10-212018-10-21-
6 ring 75 half shower90c2018-10-212018-10-21-
3 ball 1 hand reverse cascade1m 5s (148c)2018-10-212018-10-21-
4 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head216c2018-10-212018-10-21-
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