
Benjamin Thompson

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Combined flashed: 29
Combined qualified: 18

Reputation: 100%
Country: United States of America
Joined: 2017-06-24

Benjamin Thompson's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 1
 - 14
 - 16

Benjamin Thompson's solo records stats

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Benjamin Thompson's Solo Patterns
2 club 1 hand columns in singles6/955c2022-05-091
3 ball cascade4/1852h 34m 56s2016-08-201
3 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head12/34202c2022-05-091
3 club alberts in singles 3/1950c2004-12-191
3 club backcrosses in singles26/3753c2022-05-091
3 club cascade in doubles35/72121c2022-05-091
3 club cascade in flats25/63141c2022-05-091
3 club cascade in lazies5/15108c2022-05-091
3 club cascade in singles112/131101c2022-05-091
3 club cascade in triples13/42167c2022-05-091
3 club reverse backcrosses5/1457c2022-05-091
4 club async fountain in doubles61/97104c2022-05-091
4 club async fountain in singles42/71100c2022-05-091
4 club columns in singles4/7100c2022-05-091
4 club sync fountain in doubles22/54112c2022-05-091
4 club sync fountain in singles21/41106c2022-05-091
5 ball (4x,6)* 2/12300c2024-08-251
5 ball (6,4) 2/8202c2024-08-251
5 ball (6x,4)(6,4x) 3/12400c2024-08-251
5 ball (6x,4)*27/75300c2024-08-251
5 ball 7a161 2/3120c2024-08-131
5 ball 64 2/16204c2024-08-251
5 ball 73 2/6300c2024-08-251
5 ball 64552/75102c2024-08-251
5 ball 744 3/895m2005-11-141
5 ball 75321/45102c2024-08-231
5 ball 6734 2/3104c2024-08-232
5 ball 7562 2/7300c2024-08-151
5 ball 8444 3/16200c2024-08-231
5 ball 345674/12100c2024-08-151
5 ball 56734 3/5200c2024-08-231
5 ball 6666110/54200c2024-08-231
5 ball 67561 3/14500c2024-08-231
5 ball 67741 3/9150c2024-08-151
5 ball 757519/18100c2024-08-231
5 ball 81475 3/4500c2024-10-221
5 ball 844454/14200c2024-08-231
5 ball 914741/1100c2024-08-131
5 ball 9444413/39105c2024-08-231
5 ball 95344 2/4105c2024-08-231
5 ball 9753119/74205c2024-09-051
5 ball 666714 3/8240c2024-11-131
5 ball 9455612/2120c2024-08-141
5 ball 963561 2/3150c2024-08-151
5 ball 963741 3/4120c2024-08-141
5 ball 8448641 3/17420c2024-08-141
5 ball 9444484444/6108c2024-08-251
5 ball cascade 3/2471h 47m2003-06-121
5 club (6x,4x) half shower 3/6200c2010-05-061
5 club 6455/12150c2024-10-221
5 club backcrosses in doubles4/1585c2015-01-091
5 club backcrosses in triples6/18115c2007-08-151
5 club cascade with a club balanced on the head 3/14155c2009-08-201
6 ball (6,6)(6x,6x) 2/7200c2024-08-251
6 ball (8,8)(4,4)9/25100c2024-08-141
6 ball (8x,6)(4,6x) 3/9112c2024-08-141
6 ball 75 2/16200c2024-08-251
6 ball 7566/53600c2024-08-141
6 ball 77411/28102c2024-08-131
6 ball 8558/35180c2024-08-131
6 ball 8648/29120c2024-08-131
6 ball 955514/30100c2024-08-141
6 ball 75756 2/4150c2024-08-251
6 ball 9555756756 2/4100c2024-08-141
6 ball a55555/6100c2024-08-231
6 club async fountain in triples7/63165c2012-04-162
7 ball cascade34/186309c2024-08-231
7 club cascade in triples9/55115c2012-04-162
8 ball async fountain25/12949c2024-02-021
8 club async fountain in quads 1/1016c2012-02-163
9 ball cascade24/12139c2024-02-032
9 club cascade in quads 2/49c2011-11-231
9 ring cascade18/329c2020-02-241
10 ball async fountain13/4914c2022-05-103
10 ball sync fountain 3/4122c2023-08-304
11 ball cascade14/2913c2022-05-173
Benjamin Thompson's Recent Solo Records
5 ball 666714240c2024-11-132024-11-13-
5 ball 81475500c2024-10-222024-10-22-
5 club 645150c2024-10-222024-10-22-
5 ball 97531205c2024-09-052024-09-06-
5 ball (6,4)202c2024-08-252024-08-25-
5 ball 64204c2024-08-252024-08-25-
5 ball (4x,6)*300c2024-08-252024-08-25-
5 ball (6x,4)*300c2024-08-252024-08-25-
5 ball (6x,4)(6,4x)400c2024-08-252024-08-25-
5 ball 645102c2024-08-252024-08-25-
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