

I've been juggling a little more for the last few months. I find it an interesting hobby. --- I may have trouble naming some of the juggling tricks

LukaszJaroszuk has been juggling for 5 years and 8 months.

Combined flashed: 11
Combined qualified: 11

Reputation: 100%
Country: Poland
Joined: 2024-05-05

LukaszJaroszuk's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 11
 - 4
 - 0

LukaszJaroszuk's solo records stats

LukaszJaroszuk's Badges (45)

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LukaszJaroszuk's Videos

LukaszJaroszuk's Solo Patterns
2 ball 1 hand async fountain21/1098m 9s2024-06-091
2 ball 1 hand async fountain with clawed catches 1/165m 39s2024-09-221
2 ball 1 hand columns with clawed catches 1/105m 16s2024-09-081
2 ring 1 hand async fountain20/491m 10s (112c)2024-05-111
2 ring 1 hand columns 1/1410m 43s2024-11-022
2 ring 330 2/43m 30s2024-05-111
2 ring 330 isolated 2/53m 30s2024-05-111
3 ball 3 half shower 1/12237m 15s2024-05-161
3 ball 423 with clawed catches 1/136m 18s2024-08-181
3 ball cascade50/18530m 28s2024-11-231
3 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights 2/430m 28s2024-11-231
3 ball cascade with clawed catches 1/3025m 51s2024-06-301
3 ball reverse cascade10/12312m 43s2024-05-251
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches 1/136m 21s2024-09-221
3 ball reverse cascade with clawed catches isolated 1/96m 21s2024-09-221
3 ball shower55/1191m 21s2024-10-211
3 ball tennis11/419m 9s2024-05-251
3 ball tennis with clawed catches1/150s2024-08-181
3 club cascade in singles58/1317m 26s2024-11-231
3 ring 423 columns 1/1112m 52s2024-10-262
3 ring cascade15/9410m 2s2024-11-303
4 ball async fountain27/17817m 11s2024-12-143
4 ball async fountain with clawed catches 1/121m 10s2024-11-021
4 ball columns with clawed catches 1/71m 18s2024-12-151
4 ring async fountain13/857m 18s2024-12-152
4 ring columns 2/5212c2024-08-181
4 ring sync fountain8/543m 20s2024-11-231
LukaszJaroszuk's Recent Solo Records
4 ring async fountain7m 18s2024-12-152024-12-15
4 ball columns with clawed catches1m 18s2024-12-152024-12-15
4 ball async fountain17m 11s2024-12-142024-12-14
3 ring cascade10m 2s2024-11-302024-11-30
3 ball cascade30m 28s2024-11-232024-11-23
3 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights30m 28s2024-11-232024-11-23
3 club cascade in singles7m 26s2024-11-232024-11-23
4 ring sync fountain3m 20s2024-11-232024-11-23
4 ball async fountain with clawed catches1m 10s2024-11-022024-11-02
2 ring 1 hand columns10m 43s2024-11-022024-11-02
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