

Combined flashed: 21
Combined qualified: 19

Reputation: 100%
Country: Netherlands
Joined: 2013-11-20

Piet's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 1
 - 0
 - 2

Piet's solo records stats

Piet's Badges (49)

View Piet's badge progress

Piet's Passing Teams

Piet is a member of the passing teams: Daniel Simu, Piet, Mees Jager, Piet, Piet, Simonacampo.
Piet's Solo Patterns
3 ball (6x,4)(0,2x)4/91m 44s (396c)2023-09-052
3 ball 1 hand 804015/2126c2021-07-121
3 ball 1 hand async fountain23/78117c2021-07-194
3 ball 45127/142m 23s2024-06-071
3 ball 5251210/275m 50s2021-07-202
3 ball cascade122/1856m 8s (1171c)2012-02-052
3 ball cascade with clawed catches18/301m 3s (221c)2013-11-221
3 ball columns 3/417m 16s (1209c)2013-11-201
3 ball inverted box17/1715c2024-04-051
3 ball shower13/1197m 1s (1836c)2013-11-221
3 club 1 hand async fountain in triples11/2411c2012-02-061
3 ring 1 hand async fountain14/2517c2012-03-181
4 ball 1 hand async fountain22/6623c2021-07-123
4 ball 53 half shower17/431m 46s (312c)2013-11-201
4 ball 6605/23171c2021-07-202
4 ball 5555011/432m 13s (440c)2013-11-201
4 ball 734517/954c2021-07-192
4 ball shower16/871m 16s (204c)2013-11-242
4 ball sync fountain21/1324m 3s2023-09-054
4 ball tennis 3/21500c2021-07-081
5 ball (4x,6)*9/1234c2021-07-191
5 ball (6x,4)(6,4x)(4x,6)(4,6x)5/773c2021-07-191
5 ball (6x,4)*29/75287c2021-07-107
5 ball (6x,4x) half shower27/3572c2013-11-244
5 ball 74471/8943c2021-07-191
5 ball 6756111/1421c2021-07-081
5 ball cascade54/2479m2015-02-096
5 ball reverse cascade48/5731c2021-07-203
5 ball shower56/7436c2019-06-074
5 club (6x,4)*20/2210c2023-10-212
5 club 74413/2414c2024-06-171
5 club cascade in doubles54/127156c2024-12-097
5 club cascade in triples19/3034c2024-10-284
5 ring cascade65/9643c2012-03-183
6 ball 75 half shower41/6153c2019-06-072
6 ball async fountain63/170142c2020-06-188
6 ball shower43/458c2011-11-021
6 ball sync fountain37/9357c2021-07-194
6 ball [33]25/3495c2023-09-053
6 club 75 in triple, double23/3510c2024-10-281
6 club async fountain in doubles16/196c2013-10-262
6 club async fountain in triples34/6314c2024-12-024
6 ring async fountain54/7413c2012-03-193
6 ring sync fountain29/4612c2012-02-041
7 ball (8x,6)*46/5612c2021-07-191
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower33/3511c2011-12-191
7 ball cascade102/18678c2015-02-1010
7 club cascade in triples54/554c2023-09-251
8 ball async fountain94/12912c2013-12-152
8 ball sync fountain40/7612c2019-06-072
9 ball cascade87/1229c2013-11-161
Most consecutive 5 ball qualifies 1/31152023-09-051
Piet's Recent Solo Records
5 club cascade in doubles156c2024-12-092024-12-09-
5 club cascade in doubles144c2024-12-022024-12-02-
6 club async fountain in triples14c2024-12-022024-12-02-
5 club cascade in triples34c2024-10-282024-10-28-
5 club cascade in doubles121c2024-10-282024-10-28-
6 club 75 in triple, double10c2024-10-282024-10-28-
5 club 74414c2024-06-172024-06-17-
3 ball 45122m 23s2024-06-072024-06-07-
3 ball inverted box15c2024-04-052024-04-05-
5 club (6x,4)*10c2023-10-212023-10-21-
+ View all of Piet's records
Piet's Team Patterns
Daniel Simu, Piet7 club 2 count doubles 1/115m 13s2019-06-271
Daniel Simu, Piet8 club 2 count doubles 1/91m 44s (362pc)2018-03-021
Piet, Simonacampo9 club 2 count doubles 1/4141pc2024-10-111
Mees Jager, Piet9 club 2 count doubles 3/498pc2020-04-121
Piet, Simonacampo10 club 2 count doubles1/1102pc2024-11-184
Mees Jager, Piet11 club 1 count doubles1/122pc2024-11-182
Piet, Simonacampo11 club 2 count doubles1/125pc2024-10-202
Piet, Simonacampo12 club 2 count triples1/112pc2024-08-271
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