

Engineer and amateur juggler. Interests also include rock climbing, Rubik's cube and programming. Juggling interests include numbers juggling with balls and clubs, general club juggling and balancing tricks.

Combined flashed: 20
Combined qualified: 16

Reputation: 100%
Country: United Kingdom
Joined: 2012-08-21

peterbone's Solo Stats

Top 3 places:
 - 2
 - 10
 - 8

peterbone's solo records stats

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peterbone's Solo Patterns
3 ball cascade in overheads 3/449m 11s2004-09-191
3 club 414 mills mess variation in flats2/224c2004-10-251
3 club alberts in singles8/1912c2012-11-023
3 club backcrosses in singles 3/373m 11s2006-06-161
3 club cascade in flats 3/6332m2005-08-162
3 club cascade in reverse singles16/1814c2006-09-251
4 ball 345 mills mess variation 2/103m 27s2004-10-251
4 ball 534 2/7818m 10s2004-10-251
4 ball 534 mills mess variation5/263m2003-09-131
4 ball async fountain in overheads22/37120c2004-09-131
4 ball high middle low shower4/18258c2004-10-251
4 club 534 1/378m2003-07-171
4 club 6154/948c2006-09-021
4 club 7333 2/13280c2005-09-191
4 club 7531 2/1280c2006-06-141
4 club async fountain in flats 2/206m 15s (1076c)2006-02-122
4 club async fountain in singles9/717m 11s (1200c)2006-06-163
4 club mills mess in singles 2/9140c2007-06-2413
4 club shower in triples4/17100c2005-09-131
5 ball (6,4x)*9/37224c2004-10-251
5 ball (6x,4)(6x,4x)* 2/10296c2013-08-261
5 ball (6x,4)*5/756m 30s2004-10-251
5 ball 1 hand async fountain4/4725c2004-10-251
5 ball 645 3/756m2005-03-102
5 ball 7448/89600c2005-08-232
5 ball 753 3/45700c2006-03-232
5 ball 7717/35240c2004-10-131
5 ball 9336/1030c2006-08-161
5 ball 77336/1764c2013-08-281
5 ball 944445/39275c2005-07-192
5 ball 9753119/74205c2005-08-182
5 ball b4444445/1235c2013-08-281
5 ball box 3/518c2007-10-271
5 ball cascade8/24659m 3s2007-08-182
5 ball cascade with 1 kg wrist weights 3/97m 30s (1800c)2001-01-011
5 ball cascade with a club balanced on the head6/41260c2007-01-142
5 ball cascade with a head bounce7/920c2006-06-271
5 ball d44444444 1/318c2013-08-281
5 ball mills mess9/441m 7s (270c)2004-10-251
5 ball shower5/74370c2004-10-251
5 club (6x,4)*7/2292c2007-01-153
5 club 6454/12156c2007-11-072
5 club 7534/936c2006-02-141
5 club backcrosses in doubles8/1517c2013-08-297
5 club cascade in doubles11/1275m 35s2007-05-301
5 club cascade in flats5/1242c2006-08-262
5 club cascade in singles9/36208c2006-08-283
5 club cascade in triples 2/30356c2004-10-251
5 club shower4/628c2006-12-182
6 ball (8x,4x)*4/430c2006-02-141
6 ball 1 hand async fountain8/219c2004-10-251
6 ball 75614/53186c2006-08-162
6 ball 7746/28114c2006-09-163
6 ball 86411/29102c2006-04-141
6 ball 9639/1124c2006-08-141
6 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head7/1621c2013-08-281
6 ball b9753121/4618c2006-08-211
6 ball mills mess7/1218c2004-10-251
6 ball shower 3/45140c2005-01-032
6 club async fountain in triples16/6335c2009-01-141
7 ball (8x,6)*17/5690c2007-11-034
7 ball (8x,6x) half shower5/35180c2006-03-172
7 ball 86713/2636c2006-08-141
7 ball 9759/149c2006-02-141
7 ball cascade14/186576c2004-10-251
7 ball reverse cascade6/1630c2006-05-131
7 club cascade in triples22/5532c2006-11-303
8 ball async fountain33/12940c2004-10-251
9 ball cascade16/12156c2006-05-122
11 ball cascade6/2920c2011-08-314
12 ball async fountain7/1113c2005-09-161
13 ball cascade 2/813c2005-11-151
Longest time with 2 balls in head bounce 2/413b2006-01-271
peterbone's Recent Solo Records
5 club backcrosses in doubles17c2013-08-292013-08-30-
5 ball 773364c2013-08-282013-08-30-
5 ball b44444435c2013-08-282013-08-30
Back into cascade after
5 ball d4444444418c2013-08-282013-08-30
Back into cascade after
6 ball async fountain with a club balanced on the head21c2013-08-282013-08-30
clean finish
5 ball (6x,4)(6x,4x)*296c2013-08-262013-08-30-
5 club backcrosses in doubles15c2013-08-022013-08-13
At Brighton and Hove juggling club
5 club backcrosses in doubles14c2012-11-232012-11-27
16 throws
3 club alberts in singles12c2012-11-022012-11-03-
3 club alberts in singles11c2012-10-312012-11-01
With tips from Ben Jennings
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