View Simeon graham's badge summary

Simeon graham's Any Prop Badges

First Places (5/6)
Champ 1
Champ 2
Champ 3
Champ 4
Champ 5
Champ 6
Goal: Rank first in one hundred patterns
Progress: 55 out of 100 first places
Misc. (5/6)
LD Special
The Leahy
Tick Tock
Ho ho ho
Goal: Qualify five balls blind behind the back
Progress: 0 out of 10 catches
Club Balances (5/7)
Be Still
Stay Calm
Take five
Goal: Juggle 8 objects with a club balance for 16 catches
Progress: 0 out of 16 catches
Goal: Juggle 9 objects with a club balance for 9 catches
Progress: 0 out of 9 catches
Ring Balance (1/7)
Chill Out
Goal: Juggle 3 objects with a ring balance for 200 catches
Progress: 0 out of 200 catches
Goal: Juggle 4 objects with a ring balance for 150 catches
Progress: 0 out of 150 catches
Goal: Juggle 6 objects with a ring balance for 50 catches
Progress: 47 out of 50 catches
Goal: Juggle 7 objects with a ring balance for 50 catches
Progress: 0 out of 50 catches
Goal: Juggle 8 objects with a ring balance for 16 catches
Progress: 0 out of 16 catches
Goal: Juggle 9 objects with a ring balance for 9 catches
Progress: 0 out of 9 catches
Versatile (4/5)
Versatile 1
Versatile 2
Versatile 3
Versatile 4
Versatile 5
Goal: Log fifty patterns for each prop
Progress: 28 out of 50 patterns for each prop
Improver (2/5)
Improver 1
Improver 2
Improver 3
Goal: Log 25 records for a single pattern
Progress: 11 out of 25 patterns
Improver 4
Improver 5
Record Logging (7/9)
Records 1
Records 2
Records 3
Records 4
Records 5
Records 6
Records 7
Records 8
Goal: Log 500 records
Progress: 410 out of 500 records
Records 9
Fighter (4/5)
Fighter 1
Fighter 2
Fighter 3
Fighter 4
Fighter 5
Goal: Place first in a pattern with at least 100 participants
Progress: 51 out of 100 jugglers
Diverse (6/6)
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